
Friday, January 13, 2017

Heading Home and the Weekly Menu

TGIF? I am torn as to how true that is today.  On one hand, I am leaving my brother and his family after a too short visit.  On the other hand, we are heading back north to San Francisco and on the way are stopping to have lunch with my friend, Cam, of Culinary Adventures with Camilla, whom I am very excited to meet in person.  We are also spending the afternoon at the Monterey Aquarium followed by dinner with my cousin at The Stinking Rose,  So this Friday is filled with lots of emotions and feelings.

Last night, Larry and Mary took us to The Range for our farewell dinner.  I have been wanting to go here each year since they opened but life always had other plans during my visits.  This time they made sure it happened and it was a lovely and fun experience.

Tomorrow, I get to see Frank again!  Woohoooo.....I really hate being apart from him.  Our flight is early, 6 am, and we have to drop off the rental car so that means we will be on the way to the airport around 3 am.  Ugh.

When we get home, life isn't returning to normal though.  Sunday morning, after Mass, we will be heading north to our friends, Bob and Cathy, to join them for another wine tasting dinner at Springbrook Inn.

I am getting ready right now to join my niece, Natasha for our final walk and talk of the trip, but wanted to jot down my Weekly Menu real quick before I'm off the computer for the day.

Life returns to normal on Tuesday.  Please stop by to learn about the remainder of this trip, the wine tasting dinner and the coming week.  See you soon.

Dinner downtown after landing

Wine tasting dinner

Dinner on the way home

Chicken Cacciatore over Pasta

Pork Tenderloin
Mashed Potatoes
Glazed Carrots

Chicken Piccata
Lemon Basil Fettuccine
Steamed Green Beans

Poached Fish
Steamed Rice
Roasted Beet Salad


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