
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Settling in and the Weekly Menu for 10/29-11/4

Things are going really well here in the new house.  We have been busy busy busy but life is very good.

The window treatments are up in the bedrooms and kitchen. As you can see Melody's room and the guest room are pretty much complete as is the kitchen except for the floor.  Our room, on the other hand, is still pretty much a shambles.  We are removing a doorwall and putting in a solid wall, replacing the carpet and painting.  Our bedroom furniture is huge and heavy so we will wait to put it all together once the room is done.

The window treatments are ordered for the great room. The bookcases for either side of the fireplace are ordered and Frank has started removing and replacing the windows with walls.

We did get the master bedroom closet installed.  I forgot to take any before pics but, suffice it to say, it was very sad.  There was 1 wire rack on each wall hung so high that I couldn't reach them.  They were dirty and sticky and yucky.  I am very happy to have a new closet to use.

The flooring is here and waiting for the installers and the painter is scheduled to come in as soon as the flooring is done.  Right now, that wine colored carpet you see in the master closet is in every room of the house.  Hopefully by Thanksgiving all will be complete.

Our little Angel Face is spending the night with us tonight.  Tomorrow she will join us at Mass and hopefully behave as we sing in the choir.  We are meeting our friends, the Greens and the Luths, for lunch at noon.  There is a birthday party for my great niece at 3 pm.

Monday is Halloween.  I am pretty excited....I hope to have some beggers come to my door.  We have not had beggers for the past 15 years in the old house but this house is in a slightly more populated area so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Wednesday we are going down to the Parish to which Mom Klik had belonged.  There is a memorial Mass being held for All Saint's Day so we will be joining Frank's sister and her husband and his brother and his wife for Mass and dinner.

On Thursday, our niece, Jen, and her daughter, Lil, are coming in to spend the weekend.  We are doing the annual scrapbook event on Saturday so Friday will probably be spent shopping and preparing for that.

It's going to be a great week.  Here is the weekly menu....I'm going to do my best to stick to the FMD eating plan.

Asian flavored Chicken Casserole

Ham Steak
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans

Meatless Monday
Pasta Primavera

Taco Tuesday
Black Bean Burritos

Out for dinner

SouthWestern Beef and Cabbage Soup

Fish Friday
Cranberry Cod
Wild Rice Vegetable Pilaf


  1. What is the color on the wall? On my screen it looks very orange. And wine carpet throughout?? No wonder you are putting in new floors! I would love to be able to put hardwood through my house. Maybe in my next home.

    1. It is more of a taupe but the lighting was bad. We are repainting the entire house as well. The colors are pretty neutral but the former owners were smokers which is why everything is getting replaced asap. All new flooring, window treatments and paint should take care of any lingering smells.

  2. Things are coming along great and what a big closet for the bedroom. Here is to you have ghouls knocking on the 31st for candy ;-)


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