
Friday, September 2, 2016

Gearing up for Round 2 of my Eating Plan with a New Weekly Menu

Happy Friday!!  And Happy Long Weekend too!!  Monday we celebrate Labor Day.  Labor Day began in 1887.  Did you know that?  I didn't I learned it over at the Department of Labor website.  I also learned that it was created by the Labor Movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.

Image result for labor day

We are starting off this weekend at our daughter, Nicole's house.  There is a leak near the chimney that Frank is going to patch after which we are all having lunch together before she and our son in law, Pierre, have to go to work.

Tomorrow we are attending a celebration of the life of my cousin's wife.  They are not having a memorial service for her but have invited us all over to share our memories and partake in food and beverages.  This is as Louise would have wished.  She loved nothing more than a party and entertaining guests.  I am taking along a dessert to share.

Sunday we are going to a wedding for the son of our friends, Greg and Linda Benda.  It should be a wonderful and joyful occasion.

Monday I am starting round 2 of my eating plan. I am giving myself leave from the plan on Friday night though as Frank and I have been invited to his cousin's, The Popp's, for a wine tasting party.

So here is my Weekly Menu.  Please come back each day as I share recipes and photos and recap how my eating plan is working out this second time around.

Pot Luck Remberance Party

Benda Wedding

Hawaiian Burgers

Kung Pao Chicken
Steamed Brown Rice

Chicken and Veggie Kabobs
Steamed Spinach

Grilled Steaks

Wine Tasting at the Popps


  1. Sounds like another amazing week of eating at your house!

    1. It always sounds great but so often my plans go awry.

    2. At my house too. I think this week we only ate 3 things that were on the menu...oh well, makes grocery shopping foe next week easy!

    3. Absolutely Paula but it is nice having some idea of what you might make.


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