
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fried Smelt-Memories brought forth from Cook the Books for #SundaySupper

Today, at Sunday Supper, we are celebrating our Moms.  Perhaps we are sharing what we will be serving Mom next Sunday or Mom's favorite dish.  Perhaps, as I am, we are sharing a memory.  That is all I have this year.....Mom passed away in January and Mom Klik passed away in February. This is my first Mother's Day without them. This post is very difficult for me and I almost didn't participate. But then, I heard my Mom ask me if I were not going to honor her on this day just because she is no longer physically with us and I knew that her memories are stronger than my loss.

Sunday Supper Movement

So I would like to thank Christy of A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures and Wendy of Wholistic Woman for hosting this month and choosing this theme.  It made me stop and think about the times I spent with Mom in the kitchen first with her teaching me and handing me beaters and later when I was the one cooking and handing Mom, who was suffering dementia, the beaters.  It also made me remember all the good times and good laughs I had with Mom Klik as she taught me many of her Polish recipes.

This photo of both Moms was taken a mere 2 years ago.

This knowledge was reinforced when I read our Cook the Book selection this month, chosen by Deb of Kahakai Kitchen, Burnt Toast Makes You Sing Good.  This funny and poignant memoir takes place in my home state of Michigan during the same era in which I was raised so many of our memories are similar if not exact.  I loved this selection and I am anxious to read the author, Kathleen Flynn's other works.  There is still plenty of time for you to join us this period.  Here is the announcement post.

Current Selection

One of Kathleen's memories that I also shared was of smelt dipping. Each spring my Pops would go smelt fishing and bring home bucket loads of the tiny little fish.  My Mom and I would pour them into the sink, grab her scissors and start cleaning. There isn't much to cleaning smelt, cut off their heads, snip across their belly and rinse.  No removing scales, no cutting into fillets, no deboning...heck you don't even remove the tails.  You simply dredge the entire thing in seasoned flour and fry them to a crisp.  Soooooooooooo delicious and even more special this year because they remind me of spending time with a wonderful lady.  A lot of talking goes on when you work together in the kitchen and I thank God I had those moments with Mom.

Here is my recipe for Fried Smelt.  It is easy peasy and delicious. You can set these out as an appetizer or you can add some french fries and coleslaw and make it a meal.  I am sharing amounts for 1 lb of Smelt but you can easily adapt this to fit as many Smelt as you are lucky enough to catch.

Fried Smelt

1 lb. cleaned Smelt
1/2 c. flour
salt, pepper and paprika to taste
1 c. Crisco Shortening

Place flour and seasoning in a large plastic bag.  Add Smelt and shake until coated, inside and out. Melt Crisco over med high heat in a deep skillet until hot.  Add the fish in batches and fry until crisp and golden, about 3-4 minutes, flipping if necessary to brown both sides.  Print Recipe

Here are the other Moms favorites that are being shared today

Starters (Appetizers, Beverages, Breakfast):
Salads, Side Dishes, and Sauces:
Main Dishes:
Plus What Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day plus Mom’s Favorite from Sunday Supper Movement

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement. Reply To: 5-01-16 Mom's Favorite Recipes – Preview HTML

Grab button for Foodies Read 2016

I am also sharing this post over at Foodies Read 2016 hosted by Heather of Based on a True Story


  1. Oh my goodness, I love the photo of the moms! Such joy in their faces :D

  2. Lovley photo of your moms. Thanks for sharing this recipe I may try it out one night. Have a great Sunday.

  3. That photograph made me smile so big, Wendy, and I never had the honor of meeting either one. I can tell that they were just having the BEST time. I'm so glad that you decided to participate and I'm sure both of those ladies are giggling together even now.

    Crispy smelt is one of my favorite appetizers! My daughter's boyfriend fried some up for us last Christmas and it was such a treat. As you say, so simple but so delicious!

    1. Thanks Stacy, I am sure they are up there playing cards and amusing everyone with their anecdotes.

  4. First, my condolences for your recent loss. I know it's difficult, but I adored your statement that your memories are stronger than your loss. This is evidenced by your hilarious picture of your mother. What a beautiful spirit she had. You were blessed. Here's to life and all the joy it brings! Thanks for your great post.

  5. Love that photo of the two moms. Such wonderful memories you must have.

  6. What a wonderful candid photo of your two Moms. Great moments like that are hard to capture. And the smelts look crispy good too!

  7. Wendy, this is a wonderful post and I adore the photo of you mom and Mom Klik! Those memories are wonderful. I had never had smelt, but this is the second time I've seen a recipe for them in as many weeks, so maybe it's time. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thanks Cam. I think Smelt is a Midwestern thing but perhaps you can get them from freshwater streams where you are.....hmmmmm not sure.

  8. I love the picture! I'm sure this Mother's Day will be hard after the double loss, but it sounds like you have great memories to honor.

  9. A wonderful picture of your moms!! Cooking together in the kitchen is not memories I have of my mom. She worked and my sister and I figured it out for ourselves. Now I like to cook with Harley and Darian and Paige when she is here! The book sounds like a good read!

    1. I really enjoyed the book Paula and just think of all the memories you are creating with your grands.

  10. What a beautiful photo of your Moms, the photo conveys such joy and spirit.. My sincerest condolences on your lost, this is a wonderful post to honor two special woman, thank you for sharing.
    Crispy smelts are one of life's little pleasures. I was raised on them and don't get to eat them nearly as much as I would like. You've inspired me to find smelts and cook a batch.

    1. Yes, these store bought smelt do not compare to fresh caught but you take what you can get Meaghan LOL

  11. My dad, who recently passed away too, was very fond of fried smelts and although we lived in Ohio for many years I suppose it qualifies as "Midwest". I too participate in Cook the Books and am choosing a different but equally good recipe from the current read.... Cathy from Delaware Girl Eats

    1. Yep we are neighbors Cathy. I could never understand why we are considered Midwest because we are more Northeast but who am I?

  12. These make me think of my grandpa! He loved these

  13. My sincere condolences Wendy... there really are no words...
    Fried smelts were a weekly Friday occurrence when I was growing up. Thanks for bringing back so many memories...

    1. Thank you Maria, glad I could prompt some food memories...they are the best.

  14. Wendy, what a lovely post and contribution to Cook the Books. Having lost my mom just a couple of days after Mother's Day last year, I understand the sadness that comes along with the happy kitchen memories. So lucky though that we do have those good memories to think about. We had fried smelt growing up as well because my dad loved them, so this post takes me back a bit too. ;-)

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the book--definitely pick up Kathleen Flinn's other books, although different, they are equally enjoyable.


  15. If there were any smelt around, I'd certainly give them a try. Your moms look like they enjoyed life and had fun, great picture!

  16. What a great event. Sorry I am just now getting to the post. I'm glad you paired the two.

  17. I love that you used a family recipe!

  18. My dad loved fried smelts which were always served at our Italian festival. Not located near a lake to catch them ourselves. Lovely story.

  19. Good memories are the best accompaniment to a meal. They don't make the loss less painful, but they add a drop of sweetness to make sure we can smile a little. Very nice post: thank you for sharing the story.

  20. My late Dad would get smelt for he & I, Mum wasn't a fan. They were a memory for him of living at Estevan Lightstation and fishing for food. Salmon heads made oop squee (my spelling of it) a fish soup. I love smelt

    1. I do too Lois, thanks for stopping by. I would be interested in your soup recipe if you care to share it.


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