
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Caribbean Pork Stew for The Book Club Cookbook Cooking Crew

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I am stepping in for this month's BCCBCC and that I was sticking with the book chosen by the original host, Danielle of Mostly Food and Crafts.  Danielle had chosen Love in the time of Cholera and I was pretty excited since it is set in the Caribbean and I was heading out on a dive trip in the Caribbean where I hoped to spend non dive time at the pool reading.

Image result for love in the time of cholera

I started it on the plane ride and after a few chapters switched to playing games on my phone.  Then I picked it up again and after a half an hour put it down and worked the crossword puzzle in the magazine provided by the airlines.  The book definitely was not sucking me in at all.  It starts out with a couple who have been married for over 50 yrs.  It is unclear whether it is a happy marriage but as he dies both the man and his wife, wonder if the other knew how much they loved them.  The next thing you know a gentleman who has been carrying a torch for the woman shows up at the funeral and declares his undying love to the wife who throws him out on his ear.

Now you go back in time to when the wife was a young girl who thought she was in love with the boy who was now the man, she tossed out of the funeral.  And the story goes on and on and on about this spoiled little brat of a girl who cares for no one and nothing but herself, her pigheaded father, the boy who loves her and will continue to do so his entire life and the man she finally marries and how that came to be.....except I don't know how it came to be because I just could not keep forcing myself to read this book that I wasn't enjoying at all when there are so many books on my list waiting to be read.

That being said, there was no shortage of food inspiration in this book.  My first dish that I made for this month was inspired by the family sharing cafe de leche and crumpets.  I decided to make coffee flavored crumpets.  I had never had crumpets.  I had never made crumpets.  I had to look up crumpets to see exactly what it was I had decided to make.  The photos looked much like English Muffins.  So, I printed out a recipe and got to work.  I felt the same way about the crumpets as I did about the book....very bland and underwhelming.  They got cast aside along with the novel.

But the challenge wasn't a complete waste because it did inspire this Caribbean Pork Stew that I am happy to say turned out exactly as I had hoped, flavorful and tender with just a bit of a bite.  I am happy to share it with you today.

I am hoping the others enjoyed the book more than I and if not I hope they were at least inspired to create some wonderful dishes that I can share for you at the end of the month when I do the roundup post.  Stay tuned.....

And now for the premier of Caribbean Pork Stew..........

Caribbean Pork Stew

1 lb pork stew meat
1/4 c. Hoisin garlic sauce
1 t. coconut oil
1 small onion, diced
1 red pepper, cored and cut into chunks
1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into chunks
1 (14 oz) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/2 c. chicken broth
salt to taste
1/4 t. cumin
1/4 t. chile paste

Toss the pork in the Hoisin Garlic sauce and let marinade at room temperature for 15 minutes or so. While pork is marinating, prep your vegetables and set aside.  Melt the coconut oil in a skillet over med high heat.  Add the pork and brown on all sides.  Place pork into a crockpot along with the prepared vegetables.  Place the skillet back on the burner and add the chicken broth.  Bring to a boil, stirring to release any brown bits stuck to the pan.  Season broth with salt, cumin and chile paste, pour over contents of slow cooker and cook on high heat for 4-6 hrs.  Serve over steamed rice if desired. Print Recipe


I am also linking up with Foodies Read where all the books star food.


  1. I hate it when a book does not draw you in. And I couldn't agree more that there just isn't time for books like this when there are so many on our lists to read. However, I have a terrible time just stopping to read. I will usually finish it!

    1. It is unusual for me too Paula but I just couldn't take it anymore LOL

  2. I'm not keen on crumpets either - they have a funny rubbery texture. I do however love the look of the pork stew!

    1. Thanks Corina, having never had them before I just thought I screwed up the recipe when they were rubbery LOL

  3. I couldn't finish it either 😕Thanks for subbing for me!

  4. Thanks for helping Danielle. I really dislike the book this time around; I THINK I remember liking it in high school. But I did love the salad I made for the event.

    1. Yes...that was the saving grace....all the food inspiration.

  5. Your stew looks great! I had to read that book in college and I remember thinking it was really stange.

    1. Thanks Amy, it was pretty unanimous that the book stunk.


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