
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Food n Flix Roundup: A Walk in the Clouds

This month I had the privilege of hosting Food n Flix. I chose the movie A Walk in the Clouds and invited others to watch the movie, get inspired, make a dish and share it with the rest of us during the month of March.  You can see my invitation post right here.

Image result for a walk in the clouds

I chose this movie because I love it.  It is not a foodie movie per se but there is plenty of food inspiration.  I hoped everyone else would enjoy the movie as much as I and I was anxious to see how they would be inspired.

The first post came in right away from Camilla of Culinary Adventures with Camilla, and what a creative post it was.  Camilla had seen the movie previously and states that she, in fact, owns a copy of it.  She put it in one night after the boys went to bed and sat down to be inspired.

Inspired she was....look at this delicious dish that she calls Charred Grapes on a Cloud.  Cam's inspiration came from the fire in the vineyards.  "I decided to char some grapes. And in honor of Las Nubes, the Aragon property aptly named 'The Clouds', I served them with a mound of burrata."

Heather of All Roads Lead to the Kitchen had never seen this movie before but she is a fan of Keanu Reeves and Aitana Sanchez-Gijon.  Heather enjoyed the movie, even the cheezy parts of it.  But she didn't make something with cheese as I did when we were assigned A Quiet Man.  No, Heather, was inspired by several different parts of the movie and we are blessed that she was.  I present to you......

...Chocolate Flan with Frosted Grapes!  Heather says, in part, "in the end I decided to combine the idea of frosted grapes with chocolate (for Paul) and flan (as a nod to the Aragon's heritage).  What a great dish Heather.  Thanks so much.

Debra of Eliot's Eats was not as enamored with this movie as I.  She didn't love it but she did like it. She felt the whole movie had sort of a "dreamlike" quality to it and she was disappointed that the filming did not seem to take place in the Napa Valley which is so very beautiful.

Debra did not feel there was a lot of food inspiration in the film.  One scene, however, stuck with her as "Don Pedro bonds with his new grandson in law over brandy".  This inspired these wonderful Brandied Grapes.

My friend, Amy, of Amy's Cooking Adventures went with grapes as well.  Amy loved the movie and found herself inspired by the scene where the vineyard catches fire.

Amy made this beautiful Spinach Salad with Roasted Grapes saying "Hubs told me I was getting a bit dark, getting inspired by a tragedy and all, but the resulting salad is delicious!"

Kimberly of Coffee and Casseroles found the most food inspiration of all of us.  She had a huge list of food ideas.  Very impressive since she didn't much care for the movie.  Even more impressive that she didn't use one of those foods but instead put on her thinking cap again and came up with.....

Papa Don't Preach Onion Rings!  "And he gives her a ring.  Sort of.  It's the candy wrapper from one of  his uber expensive chocolates"  Very creative Kimberly!!

The lovely Ms. Deb of Kahakai Kitchen had seen the movie years ago and bits and pieces of it since then but decided to sit down, watch it again and see how it inspired her in regards to food.  Deb went with grapes as well but was the only one of us who used them in a drink.  And then as an added bonus Deb made Grape "ice cubes" to keep her drinks icy cold.

Deb tells us "This Grape Chia Fresca is what I would want to be drinking on a warm day, working to bring in a grape harvest".  Later in the post Deb notes that this has become her new favorite of all the agua and chia frescas that she has made to date.

Terri, of  Our Good Life, was right on the same page as I.  She loves this movie and considers it one of her favorites.  She decided to make Mexican Bonbons and share them with us.  YUM!

Terry wrote : "So I decided to make chocolates, a fondant filled chocolate, like the ones Don Pedro liked".

I was beginning to think that I was the only one to go with chocolates but then Terri came through for me.  Great minds and all that.  I decided to go with filled chocolates as well but decided since I was making chocolates I may as well go with an Easter theme and put all my eggs into one basket.  I know, I know.......that was bad......

I made Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Eggs in honor of Paul's disdainful job that led him into the arms of Victoria and her family.  I hope you enjoyed this month's version of Food n Flix.


Join us next month for Tampopo hosted by Heather of All Roads Lead to the Kitchen.


  1. Thanks so much for being our hostess and bringing all of these inspired dishes together in one spot, Wendy! I had fun with the new-to-me flick! :)

    1. I had fun Heather. Thanks for putting this great group together.

  2. Looks like some good inspirations!

  3. Again, thanks for hosting. I did like the film! :)

  4. Thanks for hosting, Wendy! Great movie choice!

  5. Thanks for hosting Wendy--this was a fun round especially with all of the grape and chocolate inspiration. ;-)


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