
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy 2016 and the first Weekly Menu of the year

Happy New Year everyone.  I pray that 2016 finds all of you in good health and spirits and that your year will be filled with abundant blessings.

Mom made it to the New Year.  She is an amazingly strong woman.  Still not any complaints or signs of discomfort, however she is now sleeping through her changes and has stopped asking for water. When I changed her this morning, she awoke long enough to ask me to scratch her back, which I did. When she was done being changed I went to get her fresh water and when I returned she was sleeping and wouldn't wake up enough to drink.

Image result for a peaceful death

I am so grateful that she is in no pain.  I pray she just slips off in her sleep, nobody can ask for better than that.  I have spent this morning reflecting on all the good times that Mom and I have had through the years.  All the lunches out, the dinners in and the vacations......oh the vacations, that were so much fun.  Mom and Pops loved sharing our family vacations with us and as the kids grew and left, they continued to accompany Frank and I each time, except for diving trips.

I think this is a time of reflection for everyone and for planning what you hope the New Year holds. I am looking forward to Frank's retirement and the new chapters it will add to our life together.  I am excited about spending time with my family and friends.  I hope to continue to visit with all of you daily or at least several times a week.  I want to eat healthier and move more.  I envision daily walks or hikes with Frank once he is retired.

First, though, I am going to start with easy is time for the Weekly Menu.  Today we are invited to Dan and Rebecca's for her traditional spaghetti dinner she serves each New Year day. Mom Klik is feeling up to going out so Fraink is taking her over and Amy is coming to stay with Mom so I can join them there.

Yesterday, I made a spaghetti squash in the slow cooker, using this technique from Angel's Home Sweet Homestead.  This will be my dinner tomorrow night.

Sunday, Frank is holding a CPL class.  I am serving chocolate croissants in the morning and soup and sandwiches for lunch with a Bundt Cake for dessert.   We will order in dinner.

The rest of the week is really going to depend on Mom.  I will be hanging out with her and not going much of anywhere until she decides it is time to go join my Pops and brother.

So here is my Weekly Menu.  I will be sharing recipes and photos with you all through the month so please stop by often and visit.

Dinner at Dan and Rebecca's

Sunday-CPL Class
Chocolate Croissants
Beef Vegetable Soup
BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Lemon Rosemary Bundt

Meatless Monday
Creamy Crockpot Mac and Cheese

Chicken Parmesan
Pasta with Marinara

Corn Bread

Roasted Chicken with Asparagus
Mashed Potatoes

Fish Friday
Shrimp Tacos


  1. Happy New Year Wendy! I am glad your mom is not suffering. I wonder why the dying process can take so long. Yet, we want to keep them with us forever and yet we want to let them go! It is such a confusing time. Hugs for you my friend.

    1. Thanks Paula, Hospice nurse just left and she seems to think it is going to be awhile yet. I'm fine with Mom sticking around as long as she is pain free.

  2. Great looking menu Wendy. I'm glad to hear the spaghetti squash turned out well for you. I cook all types of squash in my crockpot, and love how easy it is. I have your BBQ Pork Carnitas Quesadillas on my menu for this month, and am looking forward to trying it.

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Losing our loved ones is never easy, but I am glad to hear she isn't suffering. Praying for peace and comfort for you all.

    1. Thank you April. Happy New Year. Let me know how you like the Quesadillas.


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