
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Roasted Squash Ravioli

Let me tell you about this problem I am having lately.  Several nights a week now there are only Frank and I at the dinner table.  I have yet to figure out how to cook for only two people.  I mean I can manage the meat pretty well even though most of my meat is packaged to serve 4, I just plan meals using the same protein with different applications or plan meals using the leftover protein but the sides often have me stymied.  Take for instance the other evening when I roasted a whole buttercup squash to have with dinner and of course we had tons leftover.

I really can't blame it, this time, on the fact that there were only two of us because the squash was large enough to feed a family of 6 or more as a side dish.  It was delicious.  I love roasted squash. The way the flesh softens and becomes caramelized and slightly sweet.  You can't get much easier in regards to a side dish, cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place it cut side down on a baking sheet.  That's it...throw it in the oven for about an hour or until it is easily pierced with a fork and voila...a delicious side dish, ready to enjoy.

Having leftover roasted squash is okay though because there is so much you can do with it.  You can make this delicious Roasted Squash Soup or this wonderful Roasted Squash Ravioli that I am sharing with you today.

Your squash should already be seasoned from the roasting.
Scoop the flesh into a large skillet and cook over med high heat until squash is dry.
Add butter and cream.  Cook and stir until combined.  Let cool.

Using wonton wrappers makes easy work of it.
Place a scoop of the squash mixture into the center of a wonton skin.
Brush the edges with an egg wash and top with a second wonton skin.
The ravioli can now be refrigerated or frozen for later use or cooked and served immediately.
Since there were only 2 of us, I cooked one dozen and froze the other dozen for another day.

When ready to serve bring a large pot of salted water to a gentle boil.
Add the ravioli and cook for about 3 minutes or until they rise to the top of the water.
Remove and drain.  I served mine in a light cream sauce this time.
It is also delicious with a browned butter and sage sauce that I will share with you next time.

Roasted Squash Ravioli in a Light Cream Sauce

1 1/2 c. roasted squash
1 T. butter
1 T. cream
salt and pepper to taste
dash of nutmeg
48 wonton wrappers
1 egg
2 T. butter
2 T. cream
Parmesan for sprinkling

For Roasted Squash:  Cut desired squash in half and scoop out seeds and stringy membrane.  Rub with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Place on a parchment lined baking sheet, cut side down and roast in a 400* oven for an hour or longer, until the squash is easily pierced with a fork.  Scoop flesh out of the skin into a bowl.  Reserve 1 1/2 c. for 2 dozen ravioli. 

For Ravioli Filling:  Place reserved squash into a large skillet over med high heat.  Cook and stir until all liquid is released and the squash is dry.  Add butter and cream to the skillet, cook and stir until combined. Add a dash of nutmeg, stir, taste and add additional salt and pepper if desired.

For Ravioli:  Place 24 wonton skins onto your work surface.  Place 1 T. of squash filling onto the center of each.  Mix the egg with a little water to make an egg wash.  Brush all four edges of each wonton skin with the egg wash and top each with another wonton skin, pressing down to seal.  If desired, you can use a round cookie cutter to cut the ravioli or you can leave it square.  Bring a large pot of salted water to a gentle boil.  Add the ravioli and allow to cook until they float to the top, 3 minutes or so.  Remove from water with slotted spoon.

Light Cream Sauce: (for 1 dozen Ravioli, double this recipe if making all of the ravioli)  Place butter and cream in a small sauce pan over low heat, cook and stir until combined and slightly thickened. Gently toss with the cooked ravioli and sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese.  Print Recipe


  1. Well, I'll be. I have never heard of squash ravioli! You teach me so much. I do not look forward to the day when I'm only cooking for me! Cooking for one will be so hard. My brother says you just eat the same thing everyday that week!!

    1. When my daughter lived on her own she would cook a roast or chicken at the beginning of the week and then make a weeks worth of meals for herself. She would turn it into 5 different things, 2 servings of each, so she didn't get sick of it and have it for one of them for lunch or dinner each day. The other 2 days she would eat out or have salads or cereal or whatever.

  2. Leftovers are a great thing about making a little too much food. I love having things stashed in the refrigerator for another day when I don't want to cook. Your ravioli look like an awesome dinner!

  3. Yum! I have a roasted squash ravioli posting this week too! Must be squash season! This looks delish!


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