
Monday, October 19, 2015

Roasted Veggies in the Slow Coooker~~Secret Recipe Club

Nope, you did not lose track of time.  My SRC post isn't due until next Monday but Group C had an orphan so I happily volunteered to step in.

In case you aren't familiar with the Secret Recipe Club let me explain.  There are a large group of bloggers, over one hundred of us, who belong to this club.  Because there are so many we are broken down into subsets, one for each Monday of the month.  On those months that have 5 Mondays we are invited to join in a Special SRC post but this is not mandatory.  Each month we are secretly assigned another blogger in our group.  We nose around their blogs and recipes to find one that we want to recreate and then we all, on the Monday assigned to our group, post who we were assigned and what we decided to make.  It is fun and if you would like to join us you can find out all about it by going to the JOIN SRC page.

I was assigned to Kara of Happy Go Lucky, a member of group C, who blogs not only recipes but also DIY projects and fashion finds.  Kara is a 6th grade English teacher married to a man in the military. She began this blog while he was deployed.  They have an adorable son and love going to the beach to watch sunsets.  She currently lives in VA Beach, my son, who is military lives in Portsmouth so they are neighbors.

The first recipe that caught my eye was the Swiss Roll Cake.  I LOVE Swiss Rolls!  Then I checked out the Apple Chips that look delicious but were chosen by Kara as a SRC recipe.  I decided to check out some side dishes because I was making chicken for my daughter's birthday dinner and I found this recipe for roasted veggies in the slow cooker.  I make roasted veggies all the time but I have never used the slow cooker to roast them.  Since I had Mass before the birthday dinner this would work out perfectly for me.

I prepped all my veggies in the morning.
You can use whatever veggies you like and have on hand.

I tossed them with olive oil, herbs and honey in the crock of the slow cooker.
I let them sit in there until a few hours before dinner and then turned them on low.

They did not caramelize as they would have in the oven but they were flavorful and tender.
This is a great way to cook your veggies when you have a busy day.
Thanks Kara.

Roasted Veggies in the Slow Cooker
adapted from Happy Go Lucky

8 c, of asst, vegetables (I used leeks, carrots, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and butternut squash)
2 T. Olive Oil
2 T. Herbs de Provence
1 T. Honey

Prepare vegetables by cleaning and cutting into bite size pieces.  Place in the crock of a slow cooker. Add olive oil, herbs de Provence and honey, toss to coat.  Cook on low heat for 3-5 hrs or until desired tenderness is reached.  Print Recipe

And here is the rest of Group C and their SRC Reveals

An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. These look beautiful! I've never done this but I so love my crock pot that I think I will. Thank you so much for stepping in for Group C! :-)

    1. It certainly made for an easy side dish without giving up oven space.

  2. What a great idea! Especially for those big meals when you want your oven for other things!

  3. Love the idea of this and the crock pot idea. Also, wouldn't this be the great start to a crockpot based soup too even?? a roasted veggie soup of sorts where you can contain it all in one place and not so many messy dishes ;)

    1. Genius Heather, some veggie broth and a can of tomatoes and voila!!!

  4. I've never thought of making roasted vegetables in the crockpot before. Great idea and great SRC post.

  5. I can't imagine how I would cook if it weren't for my crockpot!

  6. So nice of you to adopt a blog and volunteer!

    and you picked a fantastic recipe that I had never imagined possible! Very nice.....

    makes your post twice as amazing! ;-)

  7. Nice of you to step in a help with SRC C! I love the way veggies turn out in the slow cooker!

    1. Yes, I was pleased to step in and pleased with the recipe I found Julie.

  8. What a great idea to prepare these veges in the slow cooker :) Sounds delicious!

  9. I've been roasting a lot of veggies lately, but hadn't thought of using the crock pot. I think I will give it a try. And I wonder if you could spread the veggies out on a rimmed sheet pan and then just give them a minute or three under the broiler to get a little caramelizing going? Great choice for SRC.

  10. Whoa... you can roast veggies in a crockpot? I am so doing this. What a great way of freeing up oven space, when your trying to get supper made. I like Sid's idea of giving them a quick shot under the broiler. PINing this one.

    1. And thanks for joining us here in group C this month! :)

  11. This is such a perfect side dish for Fall. So easy too! ^_^


  12. Yum! I might be convinced to get a slow-cooker!

    1. I don't know how you get by without one Cam. I use mine all the time and I don't even work outside the house any longer. I rely on my slow cooker at least twice a week.

  13. Glad you liked the recipe and how exciting that your son lives so close.

    1. He currently is assigned to the Portsmouth Naval Hospital and his next tour of duty will be on the Lincoln which I think is in VA Beach right now. Thanks for the great recipe Kara.


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