
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Noshing in the first week of November

 BOO!!! Did I scare you??  Happy Halloween everyone.  I don't get any beggars out here in the country.  It is my only complaint about living here.  I miss all those little ghosts and goblins.  I hope the weather is decent for them tonight.

Image result for happy halloween

I'll tell you what scares me.  The fact that it is already the beginning of November.  Aaargh, where does the time go?  I have to start thinking about Christmas shopping, decorating for Thanksgiving, decorating for Christmas, planning parties and meals and my calendar is filling up ultra fast.  That is what is scaring me today.

We are doing yard work today and then having a date night tonight since we get no little visitors anyway.

Tomorrow we are taking dinner over to Frank's Aunt Irene's house.  Regular readers of my blog know her as Ciocia.  We will have dinner and play some pinochle.  It has been too long since we have been to visit with her.

The rest of the week is pretty quiet so I am going to use it to start preparing for the upcoming holiday season because the holidays are going to come, ready or not.  In the meanwhile, we still have to eat so here is our weekly menu.

Chicken Tetrazzini
Steamed Broccoli

Sunday-Taking Dinner to Ciocia
Caesar Salad
Poppy Seed Roll

Meatless Monday
Vegetable Quiche

Beef Stew

Sweet and Sour Pork Stir Fry
Ginger and Sesame Rice

Broccoli Ham and Cheese Casserole

Date Night


  1. Oh I love quiche. It used to be my favorite dinner when I worked at the nursing home. I should make some soon!!

    1. It is one of those great dishes that can be eaten for any meal of the day.


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