
Monday, August 3, 2015

Farm Stuff

Yesterday we took our chickens in for processing.  We went to a new processor this year about an hour and twenty minutes from our house.  It worked out very well though because it is right near the little town of Lexington and they were having their annual art show.  We dropped off the chickens and then met John and Kirsten at the art show.  Walked around a bit, had dinner, and then it was time to go back for the chickens.

They are now tucked away safe and sound.  Half in my freezer and half in Kim's freezer.  She and Kurt will be ordering up the Fall meat chickens very soon now and then we will split them between us again.

When I went on line to order up the turkeys for the Fall, I saw a huge "sold out" sign.  When I dropped off Kim's chickens last night I told her about it so today she made some phone calls and found turkey chicks at Family Farm and Home not far from our house.  They only had about 40 left so we hightailed it over there and grabbed our 10 before they were gone.

They are now tucked away safe and sound in the pool in our garage.  Turkeys are very different from meat chickens.  They are very friendly and like to be held and be given attention.  They run to you instead of away from you and they are much smarter than meat chickens.  They are still stinky and dirty though especially as they get older.  I am just going to enjoy them for the first month or two while I can.


  1. Ah those turkeys are so darn cute. We have a flock of wild turkeys that visit our yard to eat dropped bird seed. I love seeing all those meat chickens in your freezer. Did I ever tell you that I finally roasted a whole chicken. NO LEFTOVERS!! It went over very well at our house. Now I want to try one of those beer-butt chickens!


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