
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Chocolate Decadence Ice Cream for #FoodieExtravaganza

This month our Foodie Extravaganza party is hosted by Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla. Cam chose Creative Flavors of Ice Cream as our theme this month.  I think this is a perfect challenge to bring on the month of July.

Yes, in addition to Independence Day, during the month of July we also celebrate Baked Beans, Hot Dogs, Pickles, Picnics and, of course, Ice Cream.  Yep, these are all national food holidays for the get your picnics on people and have some hot dogs, baked beans, pickles and ice cream for dessert.  The entire meal is covered!

A few weeks ago, I told you about the Golden Girl Granola Blogger Challenge that I had entered and posted the recipe I created using their product.  I also told you that I had not read the directions completely before ordering which granola I wanted and ordered up the Chocolate Decadence Granola thinking that I would make ice cream, then I read the directions and found out I had to make an entree!

So when Cam chose Ice Cream for this month, I was all set!!  I just made the dish I had planned to make for the Blogger Challenge and it's too bad that I couldn't have entered this into the contest because I think it would have been a winner, in my humble opinion, of course LOL.

I made a simple vanilla ice cream and added the granola during the last few minutes of churning using my ice cream maker. The Chocolate Decadence Granola is chock full of almonds, coconut, chocolate chunks and wonder the ice cream was so wonderful!!

Chocolate Decadence Ice Cream

1 1/2 c. whole milk
1 c. sugar
pinch of salt
3 c. heavy cream
1 1/2 t. vanilla paste
1 c. Golden Girl Chocolate Decadence Granola or your favorite Chocolate Granola
Chocolate syrup and extra granola for topping if desired

Using a mixer on low speed, combine all ingredients until sugar is dissolved.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Pour into an ice cream maker following manufacturers directions.  During last 5 minutes of churn time add the granola to be mixed in.  Freeze for at least 2 hours.  Serve topped with chocolate syrup and a sprinkling of additional granola.  Print Recipe

So during this first full month of summer, it's all about ice cream. But that can include gelato, semi-freddo, and even popsicles. Go wild!

We hope you all enjoy our delicious frozen creations this month and come back to see what we bring for you next month.

Posting day is always the first Wednesday of each month. If you are a blogger and would like to join our group and blog along with us, come join our Facebook page Foodie Extravaganza. We would love to have you! If you're a spectator looking for delicious tid-bits check out our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest Board! Looking for our previous parties? Check them out HERE.

I Scream, You Scream.....The next time They Scream for Ice Cream you will be ready for them.
Here's the Scoop!

Chocolate Decadence Ice Cream by A Day in the Life on the Farm
Chocolate Malted Whopper Ice Cream by My Daylights
Crushed Pineapple Ice Cream by Food Lust People Love
Custard Cream & Strawberry Swirl No Churn Ice Cream by Baking in Pyjamas
Éma’a (Syrian Ice Cream) by Tara's Multicultural Table
Fruity Fruit Popsicles by The Freshman Cook
Lemon Basil Ice Cream by Our Good Life
Lemongrass Ginger Coconut Ice Cream by The Joyful Foodie
Maple Bacon Ice Cream by Cooking With Carlee
No-Churn Chopped Macaron Vanilla Bean Ice Cream by Rhubarb and Honey
No Churn Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream by Fearlessly Creative Mammas
No Churn Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream by
Oat and Dulce de Leche Swirl Ice Cream by Passion Kneaded
Peach Cobbler Ice Cream by Cherishing a Sweet Life
Rhubarb Ice Cream by From Gate to Plate
Root Beer Barrel Ice Cream by Cindy's Recipes and Writings
Tahini and Lemon Curd Ice Cream by Sew You Think You Can Cook
The Bees' Knees Semifreddo by Culinary Adventures with Camilla


  1. Hi Wendy,
    Love this ice cream! So unique and different, and no doubt, yummy!

  2. Yum, never thought of adding granola to ice cream. This looks delicious!

  3. Brrrrrilliant idea Wendy! Granola, chocolate and ice cream in one bowl is my idea of a meal...even if the granola contest doesn't think of ice cream as an entree =)

    1. I know right??? All the major food groups are accounted for!

  4. Yum! I love the idea of the texture contrast with the granola. I can't believe I've never had granola in or with my ice cream (frozen yogurt, yes, but not ice cream). Wonderful idea!

  5. Oh, my! I LOVE this idea. Thanks for joining me in #FoodieExtravaganza this month, Wendy! xoxo

  6. Hi Wendy, I'd have ice cream for breakfast, lunch or dinner (that would make it an entrée)! lol Your ice cream looks seriously decadent! Even though you couldn't enter it, it looks like a winner to me! =)

    1. Thanks Christine, hopefully my enchiladas with mole sauce will be a winner too.

  7. I used to put granola as a topper but this is much better! And, thanks for sharing that whole list of bloggers with ice cream recipes. Wow!

    1. You're welcome. There are some really great recipes in that list.

  8. I love a bit of crunch in my ice cream too!

  9. I'm sure it tasted wonderful!

  10. Wait, no cooking or eggs? Looks like a great adaptable recipe, Wendy, and I love the addition of the granola!

    1. No cooking, no eggs, just easy peasy and delicious Stacy.

  11. Oh my goodness ... how simple is this?!?! I love it ... and I love the idea of adding granola for some texture. Very creative!

  12. All the ingredients in that granola automatically make this a winner. The ease of the recipe? Perfection!!

  13. Sounds wonderful Wendy. You had me at the title. I didn't know about the entree part when I selected my granola either. I got the same one and now I'm racking my brain. Kathleen @ Fearlessly Creative Mammas

    1. That will teach us not to read rules completely Kathleen. Good luck.

  14. What a wonderful idea adding granola to ice cream, yours looks really good!

  15. I never would have thought to mix granola into ice cream!


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