
Monday, June 22, 2015

Grilled Mahi Mahi for Secret Recipe Club

I am in my happy place again today.  That's right it is Secret Recipe Club time again.  I love Secret Recipe Club.  SRC is the first club I joined when I was just a brand new blogger.  But not too new. SRC requires a minimum of 200 recipe posts before they will even consider you.  And then there is a waiting list.  These things, along with over 100 wonderful members make this "the club" to join and I have been very happy here.

Each month you are assigned another blogger from your group, there are 4 of them.  I am in group D and boy, what a creative group we are.  The bloggers do not know who was assigned to who.  The idea is to stalk learn about the blogger you have.  You do this by secretly going into their blog, read about them, spend time with them, drool over all their delicious recipes and then find one that you can't wait to make and make it.  Then share it.  That is what today is all about, sharing.  We are sharing our recipes today with each other and with our readers.  Make sure you stop by the other's posts...they really offer some amazing recipes.

This month I was assigned Sally of  Bewitching Kitchen.  Sally is celebrating her 6th blogiversary this month.  Six years!!  Amazing.  She is a biochemist currently working for Kansas State University.  Prior to moving to Kansas she resided in Paris and California but she was born and raised in Brazil.  With all of those influences how could her cooking be anything other than delicious.

You can imagine just how many recipes Sally has on her blog after 6 years.  I was very overwhelmed so I decided to make my life easier and decide what I wanted to make and then look for a recipe. Sally makes this very easy with a search option on her recipe page.  I decided I would like to make a fish/seafood dish and that led me to the recipe I am sharing with you today.

I made some very slight adaptations to Sally's recipe because it sounded perfect just as it was.  I only had one Mahi Mahi fillet but I also had a Cod fillet so I used that as well. The recipe calls for a mild vegetable oil.  Sally used grapeseed oil.  I had some cottonseed from Acala Farms that was flavored with cumin and chilis.  I used that and deleted the chili sauce in the recipe.

The fish was tender and flavorful.
Just a word of caution, it was a bit spicy for my hubby as I made it.
If you have a spice sensitive love in your life you may want to follow Sally's original recipe.

Grilled Mahi Mahi with Citrus Marinade
slightly adapted from Bewitching Kitchen

2 fillets of MahiMahi or other firm fleshed fish
2 T. fresh lime juice
3 T. rice wine vinegar
1 T. finely chopped ginger (I used Gourmet Garden Ginger)
1 T. finely chopped scallions
3 T. Chile seasoned cottonseed oil or 3 T. mild vegetable oil and 1/2 t. chili sauce
1 T. soy sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Combine all ingredients except fish in a sealable plastic bag and shake to combine.  Add the fish fillets and reseal the bag.  Marinate in the refrigerator for 30 min. to 2 hrs.  Grill over med high heat until cooked through, about 8 minutes per side depending on the thickness of the fish.  Print Recipe

Take a look at what everyone else brought to the table today!


  1. YUMM!! This sounds like the perfect summer dinner. I need to make more fish at home - I love eating it! :) Happy reveal day!

  2. Oh, what a great write up! Loved it, and of course I love that recipe, I haven't made mahi-mahi in a long time because our grocery store all of a sudden decided to charge an arm and a leg for it!

    so glad you got my blog! And you are absolutely right, The Secret Recipe club is THE CLUB to be in!

    I love it!

    again, thanks for the lovely post, and I wish you a fantastic Monday Reveal Day!

    1. Thanks Sally, I had fun getting to know you through your blog.

  3. Whenever we make fish it feels like a special occasion. This recipe would certainly hit that mark. That plate looks fantastic!!

  4. Happy Reveal Day! I have never tasted Mahi Mahi but I think it's time to give it a try~ Lynn

    1. Mahi Mahi is one of our favorite fish Lynn. I think you will love it.

  5. I love Sally's blog and I love this pick! Oh... and I love spicy. =)

    1. Ah then you will want to use the Acala Chile oil if you have any. It is wonderful Karen.

  6. I have never made Mahi Mahi but have eaten it on a few cruise ships. Good fish. And this recipe sounds wonderful as I love citrus and ginger. I'll have to scope out her blog and see where in Kansas she lives!

    1. Yes, she works at Kansas University so I don't know if that is near you Paula.

    2. Yes, that is in Manhattan, Kansas. About three hours from me. Closer to Kansas City. Justin went to college there for a year before he transferred to Kansas University. She works at Kansas State University!

  7. I'm trying to branch out in the seafood department, and I believe that I like the texture of MahiMahi, so I will have to give this a try over the summer. Looks delicious! Great pick :)

  8. My husband is always asking for fish (I think he missed FL) - next time he asks I know what I could make!

  9. Fish is so wonderful on the grill! I love the bit of smoky flavor!

    1. Yes I do too Sue but unfortunately I didn't have that wonderful smoky flavor with this dish as I was using a gas grill LOL

  10. I love fish, and usually try to have it in some way a couple of times a week. Needless to say I'm always looking for new ways to serve it, so this definitely makes the list for me. Great choice.

  11. Ooh, this looks delicious! I don't make nearly enough fish. My husband would love this.


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