
Sunday, May 10, 2015

A (Cake Pop) Bouquet for Mom #SundaySupper

Sunday Supper Movement

It's time again for #SundaySupper, hosted this week by my friend Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  Cam timely chose Mother's Day for her theme since this post was going live on Mother's Day....Good choice Cam.

Now I imagine most of you have already created your masterpieces for your mother, but if not and if you are reading this edition of #SundaySupper early in the morning, there are plenty of wonderful recipes for you to whip up and surprise Mom with later today or anytime during the year when you want to let her know just how special she is to you.

My children often give me gifts or take me out or make me something...."just because".  A few month's ago Tingting came home with a cake pop machine for me.  I had thanked her, put it in the storage room and promptly forgot about it.  

When I learned what the theme was for this month, I thought it would be a perfect time to pull out this gift and make my Mom a Cake Pop Cookie Bouquet.  My Mom lives in a memory care center and it is hard to give her gifts because:
  1. She can't remember she got a gift and is confused about why something is sitting in front of her.
  2. She would be upset because she just found out it was Mother's day and didn't get her mother anything.
  3. Then she would start to obsess over when her parents were going to come and get her.
  4. She doesn't need clothing and if you get her jewelry it disappears.
  5. When you bring her treats she can share it with "her gang".
I was pleased with how the cake pops turned out.  They weren't as pretty as the ones on the package but I thought they were pretty enough and they tasted delicious.  It was a lot of work doing the half dozen that I made into a bouquet for Mom, so this is how I served the rest to my family.

I threw them in a bowl with frosting and sprinkles and let them get to work dipping and dunking.  I didn't hear any complaints.

I adapted a recipe for the cakes from the little instruction booklet included with the machine.  I did a google search about how to ice them and saw as many different ideas as I did posts so I decided to wing it.  I think next time I would try for more of a glaze instead of a frosting so that the entire pop could be covered but, from what I read on google, people had a hard time with that as well.

The most important piece of advice I can give is to make sure the cake pops are completely cooled before attempting to do anything with them.

Sunshine Lemon Cake Pop Bouquet
cake recipe adapted from Nostalgia Electrics

1 1/2 c, flour
1 1/2 t. baking powder
pinch of salt
1/4 c. vegetable shortening
1/4 c. butter, softened
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1/4 c. sour cream
1/2 t. vanilla
3/4 t. lemon extract

Preheat cake pop machine according to factory directions.  Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt.  In large bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment, cream together the shortening, butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each.  Stir in the sourcream, vanilla and lemon extract. Beat in the flour mixture, alternately with the milk, until just combined.

Bake in cake pop cooker according to factory directions.  I used a small cookie scoop to measure the batter into the cake pop machine and it worked pretty well.

Remove the cake pops to a wire rack as they finish baking and let cool for a few hours or overnight.


1/2 can of prepared Lemon Supreme Frosting.
6 oz. White Marshmallow Candy Dips
Sprinkles of Choice

Place the frosting and dips in a microwave safe bowl and cook at 50% power in 30 second intervals, stirring after each, until smooth and creamy.  Dip tops of cookie pops into the frosting and then into sprinkles that have been placed in a shallow bowl.  Dip the wooden skewers into the frosting and insert into the cake pops.  Place into a small vase (I used a jelly jar) filled with additional sprinkles (I used silver balls).  Print Recipe

Let's see what the others created to celebrate their Mothers this day!

Celebratory Sips
Starters and Salads
Hearty Mains
Treats and Sweets
Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.


  1. Oh these really would bring a little sunshine into a mom's day.

    1. My mom doesn't remember them but she loved them in the moment.

  2. Hope your Mom loves them. So sweet (literally) of you. I find that freezing before dipping in icing makes it easier.

  3. So fun for Mother's Day, a real spring treat!!

  4. A neighbor made cake pops for her daughter's birthday last year and, while they were adorable, all I could think was how much work they were for folks just to EAT them. Your six were probably just perfect for your mom and a few friends. I call that a win!

    1. Me too Stacy, cupcakes would have tasted the same and been much easier LOL. But they were adorable and Mom got a kick out of them.

  5. How much fun would this be to serve on Mother's Day or for any special occasion. Love it!

  6. These are so fun! I'd much rather get this bouquet then one of flowers.

  7. What a sweet gift for your mom. And I had to giggle at how you served the leftovers---I'd do that, too!!!

    1. Kind of like when we make a plate to photograph for the blog and it looks so pretty. Then you just kind of throw the food on the rest of the plates LOL

  8. A wonderful idea for a gift for the mom who is in a nursing home! These look delicious

  9. Lovely bouquet for your mother =) And what a nice Mother's Day gift to receive the cake pop maker; so glad I've got mine =)

  10. Hope her gang loved them. Happy Mother's Day.

  11. I LOVE that you made cake pops for Mother's Day! We never really want to grow up and these are so fun!

    1. When Mom lived with me I used to joke that the circle of life was that as a child my Mom would give me the beaters and as an adult I gave my Mom the beaters.

  12. These look so cute and good! I could eat the whole bunch!

    1. There in lied the problem Terri. At least when it is a slice of cake or a cupcake you only have one but these little buggers just keep getting popped into your mouth.

  13. I'm so sorry your mom has memory problems like that. Diseases like that are the worst. I hope we can find cures one day soon. It is nice you made these cake pops for her.

    1. Yes, it is the worst disease ever but only for us....Mom is as happy as can be.

  14. These are so cute! My grandma has memory issues as well, and she lives with my mom, so I understand how hard it is, especially on holidays. You feel like you should be celebrating with them, but it has to be done is smaller, more subtle ways. Even so, I'm sure your mom appreciated these cake pops in her own way.

  15. This is such a cute idea for Mom! It'd be great for birthdays or bridal/baby showers too!

    1. They would be perfect for that Shaina and they could serve as the centerpieces as well.

  16. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. It must be very hard. Glad you can celebrate with your kids.

  17. These cake pops are so cute! I must admit I was a bit addicted to them for awhile from Starbucks with my little cup of espresso. Now I am thinking I should be making these at home! :) ~s

    1. Yes Sue, I think with some playing with them I would get the knack and they would become less work.

  18. Cake Pops are the perfect treat. I would love to get them!

    1. I would too Teri, they are the perfect little morsel to pop in your mouth.

  19. wow!!! got something something special for this weekend.Thanks

  20. We never tried Cake Pops. This was the first time when we baked cake pops. We followed this recipe. The recipe is very easy to follows. Each step is clear. The end product "the cake pops" are really amazing. We loved them

    1. I am so glad that they turned out well for you. Thanks for letting me know.

  21. This is such a fun and cute idea for Mother's Day!

  22. These look so yummy Wendy! #2 made me chuckle and cry at the same time! Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day!!!

  23. oh wow these are so pretty! Love the colours and perfect for Mother's Day. I've never made a cake pop actually, this would be a perfect one to try for my mom. I know she would love these! Now I just need to find me a cake pop machine haha!

    1. Yes, you can find instructions on how to make them without a machine but I haven't tried it yet.

  24. Any mom would love this kind of bouquet! Pinned!

  25. Thanks it brought back sweet memories.


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