
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Plum Tree: A Book Review

In January I participated in a Books & Bloggers Swap.  These swaps are held three times each year during which bloggers are paired with each other and ship each other three books.  We learn about each other and our book preferences by reading the other's blogs, goodreads page, amazon page, and other social media in which they participate.  We then ship out our books, one that we have read and loved, one that we want to read and think they will enjoy as well and one that is on their wish list.

This book that I received from Tracy of Pleasurable Pursuits was one that she has not read yet but would like to read.  Tracy, run...don't walk....and get this book.  I really enjoyed it and I know you will as well.

The Plum TreeThe Plum Tree by Ellen Marie Wiseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

View all my reviews

The Plum Tree is a love story between Christine and Isaac that takes place during World War II.  I almost put this book down to save for later because I had just finished Winter of the World by Ken Follet, which also took place during World War II, and I wasn't sure that my heart could take another war book so closely on the heels of the last.  It was a fleeting thought though because I immediately was drawn into the lives of the two young people who only wanted what we all want, to live their lives in peace, love whom they want to love, have food on the table and family at their side.  It was, I believe, an honest portrayal of the terrible conditions in war torn Germany and the surrounding areas. It is a book of survival and perseverence even when you can't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Saint Odd (Odd Thomas, #7)

I have now started Saint Odd by Dean Koontz.  It is the last in a series that I am going to hate to see end.


  1. I used to read Dean Koontz but I have never read any of the Odd Thomas books. Would you suggest that I read them in order? How many of them are there, altogether? Plum Tree Sounds good. Oh there are so many books out there!!!!

    1. Yes, read them in order, St Odd is the 7th and the last in the series. My to read list just keeps getting longer and longer Paula.

    2. I will have to add these to my pile. They sound really good!

    3. Will do Wendy. I might try Odd Thomas (the first one) as my next book


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