
Monday, March 30, 2015

A Very Rough Weekend

This was a very rough weekend on the farm....

Some of you may remember when I posted a year and a half ago introducing the newest member of the family, Princess Fiona of Fair Haven.  The title of that post was A Perfectly Wonderful Weekend. This weekend we lost our Princess when she was hit by a car in front of our house.

We were not home when the accident occurred.  Thankfully for us, Tragically for them, Jen and Randy were here visiting.  We were at Mom Klik's 91st birthday celebration.  Jen and Randy had just returned home from having dinner out.  The dogs were let out and within a minute Randy heard a loud noise and knew that something had been hit.  He ran to the door and and called for the dogs, threw on his shoes and started down the driveway where Bella and their dog, Winston, ran to him. Randy found Fiona on the side of the road.  She was unable to move her back legs and her front leg were out stiff in front of her.  She was not bleeding and her breathing did nto appear to be labored. Jen called us as Randy loaded Fiona into their van to be brought to the hospital where we met them.

Fiona was taken into ICU and we prepared ourselves mentally to lose her.  We believed her back was probably broken and we would need to humanely put her down.  It felt like we were there forever and it was agonizing to hear our girl whimpering and crying in pain.  After a couple of hours, the doctor met with us and told us that the xrays showed that there were no broken bones, however they were unable to get good films of her neck because of the pain Fiona was suffering.  The doctor further said that the films showed no signs of lacerations or tears in any of Fi's organs.  Fi's stomach was filled with air but she felt that was due to the trauma of the impact and that Fi was extremely bruised and sore.  The only damage that she could confirm at this point was a torn ligament in Fi's leg that could be remedied with surgery.

The doctor said that she would like to keep Fi hospitalized with strong pain medication in an IV drip and monitor her over the weekend.  Once the pain was under control they would be able to get better films of her neck area and the doctor thought that would show a subluxation of the spine that would also be able to be treated.  We were relieved and happy that the diagnosis was not the death sentence that we believed we were going to hear.

We signed away a good portion of our savings (I didn't really want a new kitchen floor anyway) and went home with a prayer of gratitude.  At 6 am our phone rang, it was the vet who advised that Fiona continued to worsen during the night and that she had what appeared to be a slow arterial bleed and that her stomach had filled with blood.  The doctor said that, if we chose, she could do exploratory surgery to see if she could find the tear, she also advised at this time the the paralysis to the front legs had not eased at all and they were still unable to get good films of Fi's neck.  We made the very difficult decision to have her put down at this time.

This tragedy came right on the heels of our having to have our Buddy Boy put down at the beginning of this month.

This leaves us now with only or Bella Baby who you see lying here next to her Dad.  She spent all day yesterday roaming from room to room and to all ends of the yard in search of her brother and sister.  When she is not roaming she sits next to us and whines.  It is breaking our hearts.

Last night as we climbed into bed to cry ourselves to sleep, Frank said we needed to get another puppy right away, for Bella and for him, and that he wanted another chocolate lab even though he knows the chances of getting another lab puppy as good and as calm as Fi would be rare.  I told him we would worry about it after Easter....I don't know that my heart is ready for another puppy just now.....


  1. U gave her a wonderful life. Sorry for your lost.

  2. Oh Wendy! I am so sorry. I remember when you first got her and the cute stories and pictures you shared. I know how painful it is for you guys right now. Richard wouldn't let us get another dog after the last one died. He just couldn't take the losses anymore. I so understand that your heart may not yet be ready!!

    1. We will see how things are with me in a couple of weeks. It is funny because normally it would be me wanting another right away and Frank who would be saying we should wait.

  3. I'm so sorry Wendy. So very sorry. As to getting another puppy, I can't advise at all. We didn't think we wanted another dog to go through what we went through with Jazz but many things came together to lead us to Wolfie. Many things. Go with your hearts.

    1. Yes, Zip. I am sure we will get another dog or two....I just need a chance to acclimate myself to having lost the other 2 so recently.

  4. I am so sorry for you all! Losing a dog is one of the hardest things ever. We have been through it way to many times. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  5. next time I see you guys, forgive me, but I think I might break into tears again. This news really rocked my whole body. David and I are now extra careful to keep our gates locked up as I explained to Frank the other day on the phone, how Baily figured out how to push up on the cedar gate and open it. I'm in the house and there was a commotion out front. She had crossed the road and circled back to our house. Traffic had stopped in front of our house, I was in shock and thankful nothing had happened to her. Since then david had additional gates built around the perimeter and locks on each gate. I've gotton used to Fort knox, but telling your story which I am sure was very difficult for you Wen, helps us owners to remember to keep on our toes. Another time when I was working evenings at macy's I opened the garage door, and Bailey ran out once again across the street. I will continue to pray for comfort to you and Frank. PS.... FIONA had the best life any one could have given her.

    1. Thanks Rita....losing a part of the family is so hard. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and kind words.

  6. My heart is just aching for you Wendy... we lost two of our babies last year and I still tear up every time I think about them not being there to greet me and trip over when I get home. My aunt breeds and raises chocolate labs, and we were fortunate enough to foster a chocolate lab puppy once before. They are SUCH good babies... Huge hugs, healing thoughts for your bruised heart...

  7. Oh Wendy... my heart hurts for you all. We've lost a few special animals and I know the pain that goes through you. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you...


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