
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Another gift of wine

We must be winos oenophiles.  We recieve lots of wine as gifts.  Nearly everyone that comes to our parties, arrives with a bottle to present as a hostess gift.  We often recieve very nice bottles of wine from family and friends for special occasions.  We have been given gift certificates to stay at wineries that have inns or B&B's.  We have been gifted corkscrews, wine stoppers, wine glasses, wine markers, ornaments depicting wine, tiles depicting wine, books about wine, magazines about wine. We are collectors of all things wine....except for wine itself.  It never lasts long enough to become a collection!!

  1. a connoisseur of wines.

Wino is a slang term for a person who drinks excessive amounts of wine.

Hmmmmmmm, I guess it's going to depend on who you ask LOL!!

We were very excited when we found out a couple of weeks ago that our daughter, Nicole, was moving back to Michigan from Florida.  We were even more excited when she ws sent home for a few days this week in order to find a place to live when she is transferred back.  We didn't think we were going to get to see her at all over the holidays and were going to try to fly to see her in January but now she will be home the first week of Feruary!

She and Pierre took time from their house hunting to meet us for lunch on Monday.  After lunch, we exchanged gifts and one of the gifts they presented to us was a wonderful selection of Bordeaux Wines from 6 different wineries, all of which are Gold Medal winners.  We usually drink California Cabs so having all these wonderful French Bordeaux is a real treat.  I cannot wait to do some Food and Wine pairing with them!!


  1. A wonderful gift indeed. I know you have to be very excited that your daughter is moving closer


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