
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Swap....The Gifts and the Gratitude

Well the wonderful ladies at Chaotic Goddess Swaps have done it again!!!  They put together a wonderful 12 days of Christmas Swap for all of us to participate in.  We were each assigned another blogger and our mission was to get to know each other and then go and buy 12 things that we thought they would love and that we would love to recieve ourselves.  Each gift was wrapped individually and sent in one large package to your swap partner.  We each opened one gift a day for 12 days and now we get to share all of our goodies with you, our readers.

My partner for this party was none other than Wendy of The Life of Me.  I crawled through Wendy's blogs, she has 3 of them.  One about her life, one about cars and one about buttons.  Wendy collects buttons and what an interesting blog that is, with lots of creative ideas.  Wendy works at a library and loves to read.  She mostly enjoys non fiction.  I didn't bother buying her any books though because I imagine she has more than enough books at her disposal each day.  She collects owls, antiques and vintage buttons.  I live next door to Marine City, Michigan which is the antique capital of the world!! I don't know if that is true LOL but I do know that we have about 20 stores in town and most of them are antique stores.  We even have 2 antique malls in the area.  So that was an easy peasy job for me. Wendy's favorite colors are pink and purple and she has a hankering for fake flowers.  I was amazed at the ease with which I could buy this virtual stranger Christmas gifts when I agonize for hours over what to buy those people I live with and see each day.  I certainly hope she enjoys all the goodies I found for her.  I truly enjoyed picking them all out.  I packaged it all up and mailed it out.  A few days later, I recieved my packages from Wendy.

There were all these lovely packages and interspersed throughout were little bags of chocolates!!

On day 1, I got this adorable stocking.
Can't you just see Little Miss Melody's name across that snow drift?

Day 2 I unwrapped this wonderful corkscrew.

Day 3 was this recyclable Wine Bag
She has me pegged!!

On Day 4 I opened this awesome cross.
Now, Wendy, would have no way of knowing this but I collect crosses.
Perhaps Santa told her!!!
Most of them are in my prayer corner except for my Crucifixes that are above our entry doors.
This one will join the others in my corner.

Day 5, this cute little guy came to live at our house.

Day 6 I got 3 new ornaments for my tree.

Day 7 I opened a quartet of Snowmen.
Well the one on the right must be a Snowlady because she is named Wendy too.
What a coincidence!!

Had I not been convinced before, Day 8, proved that Wendy had done a thorough job of spying on me.
Pop on over to see more of my Nativity Collection.

This little soldier called Ghiradelli came to see my on Day 9.

Another beautiful cross depicting Christ's life was opened on Day 10.

On Day 11 when I opened this beautiful buttons and beads choker, I wondered if Wendy had created it.

And on the final day I recieved this wonderful ornament that I promptly placed upon the tree.

Thank you so much Wendy for all the time, effort and thought that went into the lovely gifts.  I wish a very Merry Christmas to you and yours and prayers that the New Year brings much peace and happiness to you.

I also want to call out to the ladies of CG Swaps, once again, for another great Swaparoo!!!!  You both rock!!  Merry Christmas.


  1. What a great collection of goodies! She did a great job of picking the perfect things for you (and how true- it's somehow easier to shop for a blogger you've just met than your family!). Thanks for joining us for this swap! :)

  2. Oh it's great your partner got you pegged so well and sent you things you loved so much. Thanks for joining us!

    1. Thanks for hosting Angie, it was great fun and I was matched with a wonderful partner.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed all your goodies. I did not make anything, I just had a great time shopping for you, as I believe you did for me. I chose that cross because you said your faith was important, plus it had grapes, and you said you liked wine. I just got back from a trip over the holiday and will be putting up my post soon on the wonderful package you sent me.

    1. Thanks Wendy. All of your choices were perfect. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and that next year brings you much happiness.

  4. I love the quartet of snowmen. I love snowmen and wish I had more of them to decorate my house.

    1. They were very nice. I got so many wonderful gifts. Truly blessed. Thanks for stopping by Jenna.

  5. You got some great gifts! I especially like the necklace.

  6. It's amazing when your swap partner nails everything for you! Happy New Year!


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