
Friday, October 31, 2014

Free Friday

I love days when there are no plans scheduled.  Awoke early this morning and Kim and I took a walk, in the mist, to Buck's for breakfast.  When I got home I went to work on applying for the VA benefits for my Mom.  Her bank accounts are dwindling and she is still physically healthier than most people half her age so I am getting nervous.  I have visions of having to go back to work to support Mom's Memory Care Center.

Went to visit Mom and drop off paperwork for VA that needs to be filled out by the attending physician and then went and did a little more Christmas shopping.

I have a chicken in the pot that will become tomorrows supper and I am making Tuna Noodle Casserole for dinner tonight.  This is the first Tuna Noodle Casserole I have made in 22 years.  We used to have Tuna Noodle Casserole for dinner quite often when the kids were young but then when Frank and I got married he didn't like tuna so it was never made again.  Then a couple of years ago I was making one of the greats Kraft dinner with tuna for lunch and Frank actually ate some of it so I thought "what the heck" I'm going to make it tonight and see what he thinks and if he hates it....there is still leftover pot pie for him to eat.

So this is my Tuna Noodle Casserole that I think I found on the back of a Campbell's soup can many years ago.  It was my kids favorite version so I stuck with it.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

Frank opted for the Leftover Beef Pot Pie but I thoroughly enjoyed my Tuna Noodle Casserole.

Tuna Noodle Casserole
adapted from Campbell's Soup Company

1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can full of milk
1 (12 oz) pkg frozen peas, thawed
1 c. shredded cheese
1 can (12 oz) albacore tuna packed in water
6 oz. wide egg noodles, cooked per package directions
pepper to taste
A couple of handfuls of potato chips, crushed

Combine all ingredients except chips in a casserole.  Scatter crumbled chips on top.  Bake at 350* for 30 minutes.

*Note:  I don't add any additional salt due to the saltiness of the soup, fish and chips but feel free to add salt to taste.

Print Recipe

One year ago--Comforted and Comfortable  and  Books, Books and More Books


  1. That is exactly how I make Tuna Casserole. Harley doesn't like tuna either. What's wrong with these people. :)

    1. I think this is exactly how everyone our age makes Tuna Casserole LOL.


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