
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Time to Get Your Game on.....#10daysoftailgate

A wonderful group of bloggers, led by the Charming Camilla of  Culinary Adventures with Camilla, are getting together for a #10daysoftailgate fun.  We are all going to be posting up our favorite tailgate recipes to share with each other and all of you.  We have some wonderful sponsors.  There are going to be giveaways and raffles and tons of friendly competition.  You are not going to want to miss this event!!

The recipes start posting on September 20th, so stay tuned.  But you don't have to wait until then to start sharing in the fun.  Keep an eye on all of our blogs (Camilla is featuring a new blogger each day with a link to thier blogs) as we plan our recipes, test our recipes and get acquainted with our sponsors.

Yesterday I got my first sponsor package.  It came to me from a company called Not Ketchup.  I had never heard of this company before but after browsing their website and seeing all the great variety I could not wait to try it.  I came up with an idea of which product I could use in one of my recipes and they generously sent it to me.  I cannot wait to start experimenting!!

Cherry Chipotle!!
Doesn't the name of it just make your mouth start watering??

I'm gonna go start experimenting should go check out the links I provided and learn more about these exciting 10 Days we have coming up!


  1. Thanks for this, Wendy! And thanks for participating this month. Can't wait to get the party started.

    1. Thanks for hosting...I think this is going to be so much fun.

  2. Replies
    1. I think so Paula, I am know how happy I am when I am in the kitchen.

  3. I got the same flavor - cannot wait to recipe test this weekend! :)

  4. That Not Ketchup sure looks good! I am surfing in from Eliot's Eats today. Glad to see your blog highlighted there :-)

  5. I am so excited that YOU are so excited! :) Can't wait to see the creative things that all of you do with Not Ketchup during #10DaysOfTailgate !


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