
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Connecting to a New Life

Here it is, One Word Wednesday again.  The day when my friend, Lisa Moles, has her family members grab a word from a bowl and she invites us all to write about whatever that word brings to mind. Normally she has her son and daughter pull the word but her son was busy so her daughter and husband pulled the word this week.  This was the first glimpse we have gotten of her husband and he is a very handsome guy.

My title for my post today was going to be Waiting Wednesday but then I found out that our word this Wednesday is Connection.  What a perfect word it is for today!!

You see, I am sitting here in the hospital with Tingting and Tony while we await the birth of our little miracle from God.  Yesterday, Ting was suffering contractions.  They were erratic and irregular and they connected her to a monitor to see if she were actually in labor.  They kept her connected for 2 hrs and during that time the baby's heartbeat, normally strong, dipped to a very low level.  It came right back so they said that perhaps the baby had grabbed onto the umbilical cord, her connection to her mama.  They had Ting remain connected to the monitor for another hour and the baby's heart stayed strong during this time.  Then they took an ultrasound and discovered that the amniotic fluid was low, this may have been the cause of the slowed heartbeat since, if there is not enough amniotic fluid the umbilical cord can get tangled and crimped.  So they decided they were keeping her connected to the monitor all night.

This morning, Ting informed me that they were keeping her today and at 5 pm they will take another ultrasound at which time they will decide if they are going to induce labor.  In the meanwhile, we are just waiting and watching the mother and daughter connection.

These monitors on Ting's belly connect to the machine pictured below.

This shows us the baby's heartbeat and the Mom's contractions.

It won't be long now until we get to connect with our little princess.  Stay connected to my blog for more updates.

Happy Wednesday all!


  1. I'll bet you are so excited! Can't wait to hear about your connection with that first grandbaby.

    1. I am and you know how patient I am.....all this sitting around waiting is killing me!!

  2. Awwww I pray everything goes well for you all. Bless your precious family.

  3. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see and hear all about this new grandbaby! Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you all!

    1. I don't think I will be talking about her too's just a baby...

  4. Right. Your last comment made me laugh...."just a baby." Indeed. Looking forward to sharing the joy!

    1. I had to throw that in there for Lisa, Debra, because she is probably sick to death of hearing me gush on and on and on about this baby LOL>


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