
Monday, August 25, 2014

Secret Recipe Club-Blueberry Margaritas

Woohooooo, it is reveal day for the Secret Recipe Club.  Today is the day that all members of SRC reveal whose blog they were assigned, what they learned about their assigned blogger, what recipe caught their eye and how it turned out when they recreated it.  It is fun!  You should join!  You can find out more about it right here.

This month I was assigned Nicole of I am a Honey Bee. Nic, as she likes to be called, lives in Massachusetts and is an architect.  She has a boston terrier pup, 2 rabbits and a long-time boyfriend.  I wonder how she keeps that terrier from going after those rabbits?  Now that our assignments are revealed, I can ask her!!

Nic has many options for you when you are perusing her recipes.  You can search by category, ingredients, holidays, slow cooker recipes, thirsty Thursday recipes and SRC recipes.  I was so dang impressed.  I can barely remember to add my recipes to my lone, sad, little recipe page.  Ahhhhh to be young and computer savvy.

The Jalapeno Cornbread Poppers caught my eye right away, the only problem is that Frank might eat one or two if they are mild but that is his limit.  I am definitely making the Sweet Pea and Mint Soup...wouldn't that be a wonderful starter for an Easter feast?  And the Fusilli with Fresh Corn and Chicken in a Garlic Cream Sauce is for sure cooking up soon in this household.  The Supreme Pizza Pot Pie will definitely be one of my pizzas for my Year of Pizza Challenge.  There are tons of sides and desserts from which to choose but then, being the teetotaler that I am (not)...I was drawn to Nic's Thirsty Thursday page.

SCORE!!!  There it was...screaming out "Hello Hot, August Summer I am, pick me!!".  So, I did. I chose to make Nicole's Blackberry Margaritas.  Except, I didn't have any blackberries so I used blueberries.  And it was delicious and refreshing and had quite a kick and we loved them.  Thanks, Nicole.  I enjoyed my visit.

Blueberry Margaritas
adapted from I am a Honey Bee

1 pint of Blueberries
1 T. sugar
1 T. water

Place all ingredients into a food processor and puree until smooth.  Pour through a strainer, reserving juice and discarding solids.

1 c. simple syrup ( you can make this by combining 1/2 sugar to 1 cup boiling water, stir until dissolved)
Juice of 2 limes
3 oz. Triple Sec
6 oz. Tequila
Lime Wedges and sugar for rimming glass

Place strained blueberry puree, simple syrup, Triple Sec and Tequila in small pitcher or carafe and stir until blended.

Rub rims of glasses with lime wedge and dip in sugar.  Fill glass with ice. Pour margarita over ice and enjoy.

Made 2 Jumbo Margaritas.   Print Recipe

I hope this recipe Inspires you.  Stop by Inspiration Monday for more Inspirational ideas!


  1. Surprise! I had your blog as my assignment this month. :) I made your Summer Squash Pizza Boats, which were delicious.

    I never would have thought of adding blueberries to a margarita, which is the only mixed drink I will enjoy, but now that I've seen it, it makes perfect sense. Great job!

  2. YUMMY!! That is just screaming summer - fresh and fruity. Fantastic choice this month!

  3. YES please! I love a good Margarita and with blueberries, even better!

  4. Oh, my husband would go CRAZY for this! I am pinning this right away and intend to surprise him one of these evenings....

    1. I'm so glad Sally. It is nice to sit and relax with a cocktail and reconnect every once in a while.

  5. Wow, these sound yummy! What an awesome summer drink!! I love any drink that involves fresh fruit :)

    1. Well, of course....we have to get in our fruits and veggies LOL

  6. Margaritas are one of my favorite drinks, and I love switching up the flavors. Blueberry margaritas sound fantastic! Great pick this month :)

  7. Oh, what a fantastic choice for the SRC - these look absolutely wonderful! YUM!

    1. They were Amy, I have some raspberries now so I might try them with that.

  8. Looooooooooove looks like the PERFECT thing to cool off on a hot day!

    1. Yes....I wish I had some blueberries right this minute because it is a hot one here in Michigan today!!

  9. Blueberries might just make me like a margarita!

    1. I still prefer a regular margarita, Lauren, but if you like a sweeter drink this would probably be the one for you.

  10. Just beautiful! Refreshing and delicious looking too! Fabulous SRC pick :-)

  11. I have never had a margarita, but that looks really delish. I love fruity alcoholic drinks. Can't wait to try it next summer when I'm no longer pregnant ;) Happy reveal day!

  12. Yum. I don't drink much but this reminded me that I have blueberries I should use up. Sounds like a good plan for them!

  13. Those are so pretty and look perfect for a hot August evening! With the blueberries, they are almost health food, right?

    1. Absolutely, we have to get in those required servings of fruits and veggies LOL

  14. Sensational. I love a margarita - hands down my favourite cocktail, but I never would have thought to add crushed fruit. Sounds wonderful, and blueberries in particular sound deliciously refreshing. This will definitely be one on my list for the upcoming summer evenings.

    1. Yes and I think there may still be wild blueberries available in some areas.

  15. A good drink on a hot summer day is where I am at. These look so pretty and I am sure they are delicious too.

  16. Great idea to try it with blueberries instead of blackberries. I'll have to give that a try myself one day!

    PS- we got out dog so young that he was actutally smaller than the rabbits so he kinda grew up with them. And i just made it a point to praise/scold him accordingly. He mainly just likes to eat the hay now.

    1. Thanks Nic for the great recipe idea and for answering my question about the dog and rabbits. I enjoyed getting to know you a little through your blog.

  17. Here's what I'm going to do. Make your blueberry margs one night, and her blackberry margs another night. Like my plan? Great SRC pick.

    1. That is a fantastic plan...make extra and I will join you!!

  18. Never had a blueberry margarita before. Perfect for summer. Great SRC pick!

    1. Thanks, it is a beautiful summer drink and a great drink to serve guests as they have probably never had one either.


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