
Saturday, August 23, 2014

A wonderful relaxing day...

You know what I did yesterday??  Nothing.

I lounged.
I played on the computer.
I blogged.

I read.
I drank.

I ate.

I relaxed.

I sat on this balcony.

Enjoyed this view.

Then I went and lounged by the pool and enjoyed this view.
There were a dozen hot air balloons up over Lake Bellaire.
It was a beautiful sight to behold.

It brought back wonderful memories of the Hot Air Balloon Ride that Frank took me for the first year we were married.  We went over Traverse Bay and touched down in the Boardman River.  It was beautiful and an experience I will always cherish.


  1. Funny. That is what I did yesterday in my own living room. NOTHING. It was rainy, I hadn't slept well so I just sat and rested and read and did nothing productive. I can't remember the last time I did that.

  2. AND I'd i wasn't feeling guilt for doing nothing, it would have been wonderful. :-)

    1. We all deserve days like that once in a while, absolutely nothing to be guilty about.


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