
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Photo a Day Challenge

I am joining up with Carrots n Cake for the Photo a Day in June Challenge.  A couple of my blogging friends are joining in also so please take a moment to check them out....They are Paula, from Smidgens and Bits and Lisa from My Sweet Peanut.  I think this is going to be a fun month!!

These are the topics that I will post a photo on each day in June:

1 – Rabbit, Rabbit! What brings you good luck?
2 – Monday, ugh! What’s keeping you going today?
3 – Who made you smile today?
4 – Look up. What do you see?
5 – #TBT Share a photo from a past summer trip!
6 – National Doughnut Day! Snap a pic celebrating! Or, what did you have instead?!
7 – Saturday! What are you up to?
8 – Time to relax before the start of the week. What does relaxing look like to you?
9 – Manic Monday! What’s giving you a case of the Mondays?
10 – Is the sun out? Snap a pic! If not, what’s it like out there?
11 – Get over the hump of the week. How were you productive today?
12 – Treat yourself, it’s almost the weekend!
13 – Friday the 13th! Are you superstitious and ducking for cover, or out and about?
14 – Flag Day! Got one flying in the warm breeze?
15 – Happy Father’s Day! Snap a pic or share one of an awesome dad!
16 – Moday motivation. What motivates you?
17 – Got a pet? Share them with the world!
18 – Stretch those legs mid-week and go outside or for a walk. Snap and share!
19 – #OOTD, what are you wearing? Got your summer clothes on?!
20 – Happy Friday! You made it! Smile and say cheese :)
21 – HAPPY SUMMER! Take a picture of what summer looks like to you to celebrate!
22 – Sunday Pancakes! Do you have a Sunday breakfast routine?
23 – Got those sandals out? What’s your favorite pair?
24 – What made you happy today?
25 – Are the flowers blooming? Take a picture of your favorite!
26 – Wehew, it’s hot out there. How are you cooling down?
27 – Last Friday of the month, what are you up to?
28 – Is today a beach day? Snap a pic and make everyone jealous!
29 – Go out for a picnic! Make sure to take a picture!
30 – Last day of June, how are you sending it off?

Since today is the first of June, I will share with you a photo of who I believe kept me safe and brought me luck during my years serving as a police officer in the third largest city in Michigan.

St. Michael is the Patron Saint of Police Officers.
I wore this medal for the entirety of my career.
I called on St. Michael to protect me before each and every run.
He was always by my side.


  1. I purchased a St. Michael for both my son and his lady when they graduated from the Academy. My son's hangs from the mirror in his patrol car. I have asked St. Michael more than once to protect Justin and Trina. Being a cop in today's world is a tough job.

    1. St. Michael saw me through and I pray that he does the same for your son and his girl. Stay strong Paula, i will hold them both in my prayers

  2. Fun, I love photo challenges. I tried it once and only made it about 10 days! Looking forward to seeing what you post.


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