
Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Mania

The Photo a Day Challenge, hosted by Carrots n Cake, asks what is giving me a case of the Monday's today.

I am happy to report that, thus far, I don't have a case of the Mondays. I thought it was going to be a Manic Monday because today was the day I had scheduled to clean the meat chicken coop again.....I really hate that job....but then a young man I hired from our church came by and I had him do it instead Yay.  This should be the last time we need to worry about cleaning it until Sunday when the chickens go on their field trip and return ready for the freezer.

I estimate that they will weigh between 5-10 lbs each.  Once the meat chickens are gone, the 5 laying hens will remain in this coop until we get our turkeys in mid July.  Then they will be moved into the regular chicken coop.  You move them in at night while the other hens are roosting and when they awaken in the morning they think they have all been together forever...or so they say...there will still be some scrambling around and the pecking order will be rewritten but it doesn't take them long to adjust.

I was up early and got all my errands out of the way, met my hubby for lunch, now Mom and I are watching Ellen.

Oh, and I got a call from my doctor who said the swelling in my lymph nodes appears to be nonpathogenic  and probably caused by an infection of some sort so she is putting me on antibiotics for 10 days and if they don't go down she will send me to an ENT.


  1. Glad to hear that the antibiotics might fix it. That's a lot of chicken meat to add to the freezer, love how versatile chicken is! The last year we ran our pig farm we ended up with 300# of pork in various cuts, some smoked, etc... That was a long year with a lot of inventive pork recipes LOL

    1. Hi Chrystal, Actually a friend and I split the chickens. I raise 50 in the spring and she raised 50 in the fall. That leaves me with 25 and after I get done passing them out to family and friends I usually have enough to last me until the next batch LOL. I raise turkeys and pigs in the fall and yes, you are right....when you have all that meat you get very creative!!

  2. I am so glad to hear the report wasn't bad!!!! Love learning about raising chickens. Can't believe how fast they got this big

    1. Thanks Paula, I am relieved also. I am glad you enjoy my chicken ramblings.

  3. ...return ready for the freezer??? Field trip??? Lady, you have a way with words!

    1. Well, I try not to upset anyone with words like killing, slaughtering, etc.LOL


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