
Friday, May 9, 2014

With a Grateful Heart

What a fast week.  It is hard to believe that it is already Five Minute Friday.   This is a weekly exercise hosted by Lisa Jo Baker that she started to encourage others to JUST WRITE.  Lisa gives us a one word prompt, we set a timer for 5 minutes and we write about whatever that word puts onto our hearts. Join is fun!
Five Minute Friday

Today's word is Grateful.


I have so many things for which I am grateful.

And this prompt came at a perfect time because I did not awaken with a grateful, joyful heart this morning. So, God, as always knew what I needed and he sent Lisa-Jo to give me this prompt and remind me of all the good things I have.

  • My faith, my church family, my community which helps me get through each and every day.  
  • My family of whom I am so proud and who I am so lucky to have.
  • My health
  • A beautiful home on a beautiful setting where I can raise my animals and enjoy the wildlife that visits.
  • Enough income that we can live comfortably and still be able to help others.

That is, by no means, a complete list but 5 minutes is 5 minutes....


  1. How wonderful to get to raise animals! I miss that part of my childhood. Maybe someday. . . I saw some little chicken coops the other day that seemed to want me to buy them. Thanks for sharing your gratitude today!

  2. I didn't wake up feeling all that grateful either...but I am so much better tonight. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Way to turn your day around just by counting your blessings. Happy weekend!


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