
Friday, May 2, 2014

A Story of Twos

There once were 2 people
So deeply in love
They decided one day
That the 2 should be one

They each had 2 children
2 boys and 2 girls
That first year for Christmas
He gave his wife pearls

They hadn't much money
But they had lots of love
And each day they were grateful
For blessings from above

This was long ago
1992 to be exact
That's 22 years ago
As a matter of fact

And over the years
Their love continued to grow
What started as a whirlwind
Is now steady and slow

So today she remembers
How happy she was that day
And how special will always be
The 2nd of May.

After 15 years
They decided to renew
So in November of 2007
They again said "I Do"

They spend their lives
Caring for others, it's true
But they always try to remember that one day
It will once again be just 2

So they continue to nurture
Their love without end
And recognize it for what it is
A wonderful God-send.


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