
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

With Gratitude..... and this Wednesdays word is Gratitude.  So in Gratitude we thank Lisa, at My Sweet Peanut for setting up this little exercise.  Each Wednesday, Lisa has her children grab a word from her jar and then she posts it as a prompt for us bloggers who often sit and ponder what we should write about each day.

Gratitude is a great word.  I just hope that I don't ramble on so long that I bore you all to death.  I would be very Grateful if you would stick with me here as I talk about all the blessings in my life for which I am so Grateful.


I don't know many people in this world who are as lucky as I.  I am so often awed by the goodness that is in my life.  I have so very much for which I am grateful.

  • My God, my faith, my is what keeps me going day after day.  I know that no matter what my God has my back.  He has a plan for me that is perfect, even if I cannot see the perfection before my eyes.
  • My husband who is the greatest blessing given to m by God.  I cannot believe how lucky I am to have a man who always puts my needs, the needs of our children and the needs of our family before his own.  He is everything a husband should be.
  • My children.  They have given me joy since the moment they were born.  We grew together, we laughed, we cried, we mourned, we celebrated.  My children were the greatest gifts I could have ever known.  
  • My siblings.  I have no idea how I would survive in this world without my family.  I depend on them each and every day.  I know they always have my back and I know there is nothing I would not do for them to make their lives easier.
  • My life.  Living here on the farm.  Raising animals, watching the wildlife in our yard.  Entertaining, sharing and loving all our relatives and friends.
  • My friends.  I could just as easily say my family.  I have the greatest friends in the world.  There are so many people who will never have friends who are closer than family and I have an abundance of them.  I do not know what I did to deserve the people God has put in my life but I am very Grateful for them.
  • My church.  My center, my grounding.  The people with whom I share my faith are the best in the world.  They keep me centered, they keep me strong and they hold me in their prayers.
It is with great Gratitude that I write this post and I thank Lisa for giving me the opportunity to reflect on the goodness in my life.

P.S.  I am extremely grateful that I leave for Grand Cayman in two days.  Wooooohooooooo!!!


  1. I am happy for you and will live through you as you are in the Grand Caymans

    1. I wish I could take you with me Paula. While I am there make yourself and umbrella drink and we can toast each other and our new found friendship.

  2. I love your list - never apologize for a "too long" gratitude list! I have always wanted to live on a farm. I grew up in farm country, but my parents owned a business on the outskirts of town. I spent time doing farm things with my classmates. I shaved pig's ears for the county fair, I helped haul baled hay. I bottle fed lambs...I loved it! I also drank well water and did NOT love that! Have fun on vacation - so jealous!

    1. Well it is never too late Lisa. We moved onto our farm after my husband retired from the police department.


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