
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Poached Eggs and the Weekly Menu

We got home about 3 am.  The dogs were very excited to see us.  So excited that Princess Fiona forgot about going outside and went potty on our floor.....Welcome Home!

I went over and got Mom this morning about 9 am.  Mom said she had a great time on vacation but that she was ready to go home.  On the way home Mom kept saying that she thought she only lived a stone's throw away.  In reality it is about 4 miles.  When we pulled into the driveway she said, as she always does, "Oh, I remember when we lived here with Mom and Dad".  Then she asks me when I moved back, if Mom and Dad still live here, how did I end up back here, and on and on and on.

I got her into the house, settled in and made us all some poached eggs on toast for breakfast.  I also cut up a mango so that I could reminisce about the tropics.

The secret to poached eggs is to have the water at a gentle simmer.
Add salt and a splash of vinegar into the water.
Crack the eggs, one at a time, into a small bowl and add them to the simmering water.
Let simmer until the whites are set but the yolk is still soft.
Remove with a slotted spoon and serve over buttered toast.

Frank is now at Ensemble practice and he has to sing at 4 pm Mass tonight.  We will have dinner when he gets home.

We both are singing with the choir at 9 am tomorrow and then we are going over to my niece, Stephanie's, to see her new house.  The whole family will be there so I am looking forward to that.

Monday, our German son, Max is flying in.  Tingting is picking him up at the airport.  I have Parish Council meeting and Frank will have dinner waiting when we all get home.

Try it Tuesday we are trying a new pizza recipe for my Year of Pizza challenge.

Wednesday I have food pantry so it will be a crockpot meal kind of night.

On Holy Thursday we have a Potluck Dinner at Church followed by Mass.

Good Friday is a day of fast for us.  We have a service at church at 1 pm and we have Mass at 7:30 pm.

So here is my menu for this week.  I hope it inspires you.  Come back each day for photos and recipes and join us at Menu Plan Monday for more great menu inspirations.

This and That Salad
Cheezy Pizza Bread

Housewarming Party

Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions
Baked Potatoes
Broccoli and Carrots
Brownie Hot Fudge Sundaes

Try it Tuesday
Garlic Chicken and White Sauce Pizza
Chicken and Spinach Alfredo Pizza

Orange Chicken
Steamed Rice

Potluck at Church

Fish Friday
Shrimp Scampi   Shrimp and Garlic Green Beans
Mushroom Ravioli in Alfredo Sauce    Macaroni and Cheese
Caesar Salad


  1. Your menu looks great, as usual. Those poached eggs look great as well. I have a poached egg pan that I use. Never thought to just place them in boiling water. Richard loves it when I fix him poached eggs. Glad you are home....back to the grind :)

  2. Well not too much of a grind...Mom and I are going for massages today.

  3. Rob and I were welcomed home with hair balls from Sophie and Cleo slept on my pillow above my head last night. Isabelle just purred alot-lol! We had so much fun with you and Frank! See you soon! xoxo (I guess I have to be Anonymous)

    1. You, my friend, are never anonymous with me. See you in a couple of weeks.


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