
Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Movie Night

I got up this morning feeling energetic, so Kim and I went for a bike ride.  A bike ride that ended up being 22 miles long!!  It was a beautiful day.  Sunshine and blue skies.  Flowers blooming.  People out working on their yards.  Spring was in the air and we took advantage of it.  We did not cycle for 22 miles straight.  We made a few stops.  Kim's mom's new condo, lunch at a local restaurant and the grocery store.

No flower announces Easter more so than a Lily.

When I got back, Nancy and Mom were getting ready to go for a drive to get ice cream and enjoy this gorgeous day.  I took a nap!!!

When I pulled out my camera to post on tonight's dinner, I found that Max had taken a few shots of our dinner tables yesterday so I thought I would share them with you.

We needed 2 tables to accommodate all our guests.

And I mixed and matched my dishes so that we had enough.
Several of our guests ate their place setting eggs before dinner was brought to the table.
Life is short, eat dessert first!!

John and Kirsten are coming over tonight for leftovers and a movie.  Max rented "Cloud Atlas".  We have not heard of this movie but he says that it is very good.  I will let you know what we think.

As part of our leftover buffet, I made a quiche using leftover ham, asparagus and cheese.  We will put this out along with the leftover sausage, potatoes, pierogis, carrots and corn.  I am saving the leftover lamb for tomorrow night's dinner, and the rest of the ham for Split Pea Soup on Wednesday.

We are Eating from the Pantry all week long with MSM.

We love quiche in this household.
Raising our laying hens means that we always have an abundance of eggs.
When I haven't planned a meal or I get a call that people are stopping by during brunch hours, I can always grab some leftovers and create a quiche in a snap.

All you need is crust for a single crust pie.
You can make your own but I used store bought today.
Layer your leftover ingredients into the crust.
Trust me, there is ham and asparagus under that cheese.

Make your custard and pour over the ingredients.
Bake for 45 min to an hour.

Ham and Asparagus Quiche

Pie crust
8-10 stalks of Aspargus, trimmed and cooked
1 c. cooked ham, diced
1 1/2 c. shredded swiss cheese
3 green onions, white and light green parts sliced
3 eggs
1 c. low fat milk
1/2 c. heavy cream
salt and pepper to taste
dash of nutmeg

Line pie pan with crust.  Layer asparagus, ham, cheese and onions in the crust.  Combine the eggs, milk, cream and seasonings, mixing well.  Pour over ingredients in crust.  Bake at 350* for 45 minutes to an hour or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.  Print Recipe


  1. Thanks for the recipe. I will not put the asparagus in. We like it but Richard has trouble with chewing it due to the stringiness. I am making this this week.

  2. Oh good, I hope you enjoy it. You can put any vegetables your family likes or you have left over in with it, or none at all and serve it with a salad. Let me know what you think of it please.

  3. I made this for the SRC posting this month. It was so delicious. My parents were in two and the four of us ate the whole thing in one sitting. It sure topped my typical plain spinach quiche.

    1. Thanks so much for the compliment Emily. I am so glad you enjoyed it.


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