
Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Dancing Queen

Mom Klik's Surprise 90th Birthday Party was a huge success!!  She was flabbergasted.  She did not have an inkling of a clue.  She said that the first thing that popped into her head was disappointment that the cruise we had told her about was just a ruse and that we were not really going on it.  She is thrilled that she gets the cruise and had a surprise party with over 60 people from all over the Country and even from Canada.

After the surprise entrance, a marvelous toast and dinner and the birthday cake, the DJ put on a Birthday Polka and invited Mom onto the dance floor.

After those first three dances with her children I don't think Mom ever left the dance floor.  She was definitely the Dancing Queen.  When she met us after Mass for Breakfast this morning she was certainly still tuckered out.

I just have one more photo that I want to share with you.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

I think they were having fun!!


  1. Best time I have had in a long while. It was MAGICAL for everyone. If I wasn't dancing....I was racing back and forth to grab my camera. I will share pics once I download. Glad to see Aunt Irene too! Lovely R....

  2. Loved the pictures. Looks like everyone was having fun!

    1. It was a really great time Paula. Everyone's feet and legs were killing them the next day from all the dancing we did.

  3. What a great party and wonderful pictures. So glad it was a success.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I just got back from having lunch with Mom Klik (today is her actual birthday) and she talked the entire time about how wonderful the party was and how much she appreciated it.


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