
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Darling it's better down where it's wetter...

It was a little rougher today than yesterday but it was also quite a bit warmer so it was a pretty good trade off.  We left the kids with the instructor today so that we were able to get a couple of dives in for ourselves.  So this is what we saw.....

Some Grunts
Blue Tang
A very large Barracuda
A Trumpet fish relaxing by a sea fan
A piece of a ship
A Spiny Sea Urchin hiding under some tube coral
An Angelfish
A Grouper
A Blue Angelfish
Some Staghorn Coral

A Trunkfish
Some Brain Coral sporting some Christmas Tree Coral
And these scary creatures!!
And here they are completely certified and very proud.


  1. Wendy, may I share your pics?

    1. I am not sure who is requesting this but yes...the pics are out there for all to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by and asking.

  2. Looks exciting! Where are you guys?

    1. We are down in Key Largo, Florida. Thanks for stopping by Izzy.


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