
Friday, January 31, 2014

My Hero

I join Lisa Jo Baker each Friday for a writing exercise called 5 Minute Fridays.  The premise of this exercise is that she gives you a topic, you set a timer, and you write for 5 minutes.  Then you stop. You don't over think what you are writing.  You don't worry about just write....whatever the topic puts on your heart and your mind.  Today's topic is HERO.


On the day we met I was a whirlwind of emotions.  I was excited, happy, proud and scared to death. I walked into the locker room at the police department and realized that I had forgotten my radio.  My first day and I screwed up already.  I told another officer and she asked who I was working with.  Frank Klik, I replied, and she assured me that it would be okay.

I didn't yet know that this man would become my hero.  I only knew this one thing about him.  It would be okay.

When we got into the scout car I told him what I had done.  There were no recriminations, no scoldings, just a simple "Well our first stop will be at your house then." 

But that was not our first stop.  On the way to my house the car radio announced a burglar alarm going off at a business that we were very near to.  We st


I wonder if other participants stop as soon as the timer goes off.  I have yet to read any of the links that do not have a complete thought or story written in 5 minutes.  Heck, some of them even post photos during that time. 

Well, not me....I can barely get my mind focused in 5 lousy minutes LOL....and I guess you will all have to wait for another day to learn how Frank Klik went from mentor to friend to hero to lover to husband and remains all those things yet today. 

Have a great weekend all.


  1. I wrote about my husband as my hero, too! Can't wait to hear how the story continues!

  2. Truth be told, I do go back and fill in where I missed and take an extra minute or two. I try real hard but I can't resist. It's get easier.

    How wonderful that the first thing to know about your husband that everything will be okay!

    1. It was wonderful Kimberly and thanks for fessing up, it makes me feel like less of a loser LOL.

  3. Replies
    1. I think I am going to have to do a part 2 after all of these requests. Thanks Susan.

  4. I am looking forward to the rest of this story as well. I will admit that I go look at the prompt and then take a couple minutes to think about it before I start to type. Then I type for 5 minutes without stopping. My thoughts are down on the paper. Then I add pictures. I don't think anyone writes those amazing stories in just 5 minutes. I try to make my actual typing just last five minutes!

    1. That's a good idea Paula.....I always take everything so literally.

  5. Like you, I tend to follow the rules of a link-up, but like Paula's comment above me, I have a sneaky feeling there are many entries in FMF that were written in more than five minutes, and were edited. Just my humble and honest opinion. It's still a fun community.

    1. Yes, it sure is Dayle. I am a rule follower at heart and do tend to take everything literally. I guess I could do the 5 min exercise and then add the rest of the information after I post the Stop.

    2. Another thing we have in common, Wendy! I am a rule follower, to a fault. Taking care of Richard has taught me to let go of some of that!

    3. We do have a lot in common, don't we Paula.

  6. You are going to finish the story right????
    Cause I kinda want to know....

    1. Hi Annette, Thanks for stopping by. Okay you are one of several who have asked for a continuation of this story so I am going to finish it. I will name it My Hero continued.... and I will post it one day this upcoming week. I just need to get through this dinner party today. See you soon.


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