
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Stressful Sunday

This has been a very stressful day for me.  It started in the ER with Mom discovering that she has a stress fracture.  You can read all about that here.  While I was at the ER, Frank went to sing at Mass.  We both got done around the same time so we met for breakfast with the Lents' and then I left Mom with Frank while I went to later Mass.  Then I stopped at the grocery store, came home, got the ham going, made an Apple Crumb Pie, put together the Mac and Cheese, made some coleslaw, straightened the house, answered Mom's questions about her foot (about a million and a half times) and now I am finally sitting still for the first time since 7 this morning.  I only have a couple of minutes because Frank's family is going to be here any minute to spend the afternoon and have dinner.  I am glad I have this moment to compose myself.

Oh, and I put together a little "Welcome Fall" display out front but I cannot find my scarecrow anywhere so I will have to run out and get one tomorrow while Nancy is here.

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