
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Continuing Good Habits.

October is still here so I am still organizing.  I am looking forward to carrying my new organizing habit into November.  I am linking up with

Title Organize It
for the month of November.  I hope to get a lot done between now and the Holidays and I would like to share it with you.
This morning I decided to tackle the cupboard adjacent to my wine refrigerator. 
What a mess!!   This is the cupboard that I open up and throw anything that has been left on my counters instead of taking the piles my family leaves and sorting through them so I can put them where they belong.  I take piles from one place, put them to another, close a door and convince myself that out of sight is out of mind.  The only problem is that when I need something I have to dig through piles of junk to find it.
First I emptied the entire cupboard and sorted everything into piles.  Keep and put away, Throw out and Donate.  Almost everything was in the Throw Out Pile.  I did have 6, count them 6, pairs of glasses that I will take and donate to the Lions Club.  I had a pile to take up to Ting's room, a pile to put back in the garage and a pile to take down to the newly organized storage room in the basement where I put them in the proper location.
I had just gotten some new organizing totes from Thirty one so I grabbed one and put it to good use.
It fit perfectly on the top pull out drawer. I filled the inside with all the things that belonged in that cupboard but had no home, and filled the side pockets with all the pens, pencils and markers that had been thrown in there.
The only things I had left to put on the bottom shelf were our binoculars that we need handy for when we have visitors to our ponds and a glass cutting board that I have on my wine bar when it is not decorated for holidays.  And there you have it......45 minutes of work and a wonderful usable space is available to me.
I will be moving on to my Cookbook Shelves and Scrapbooking Cupboards next....I think they will take me a bit longer than this small cupboard did.

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