
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Comforted and Comfortable

The only thing I do not like about where we live right now is that in the 12 years we have been here we have not had one beggar at Halloween.  I love Halloween.  I loved dressing my kids up, having Halloween parties and passing out goodies.  When I had to work on Halloween, I spent those hours on the side streets passing out goodies from my scout car.  Then we moved here and nothing, nada, zip.

So I had put Roast Chicken on the menu tonight because, to me, that is the ultimate comfort food.  I love Roast Chicken for many reasons.....

First and foremost it is beautiful.
  Look how brown and crisp it is.
  Your mouth waters just looking at it.
It looks like it took so much hard work but....Second, it is easy as can be.

1 Roasting Chicken
1/2 an onion, cut in half again
1 stalk celery, cut in chunks
1 carrot, cut in chunks
Whatever fresh herbs you have on hand (today I used sage, thyme and oregano)
1 head garlic, cut in half
1/2 lemon

Rinse Chicken inside and out.  Salt and Pepper the cavity and stuff with remaining ingredients, squeezing lemon into cavity before putting it inside.  Salt and Pepper the outside.  Roast at 350* for
1 1/2 -2 hrs until a thermometer reads 160*.  Let set for 10 minutes before carving. Print Recipe

Third, you can feed a family of four with half of a Roasted Chicken.
Fourth, leaving one full breast for a casserole later in the week
 and the carcass for broth and/or soup for during the week.
My original menu called for cole slaw as my vegetable but I had some Spaghetti Squash and Brussels Sprouts that I needed to use up.
Dinner is served.
So dinner is done and so is my day.  I think I will get comfortable and cuddle up in my chair with my book.  Good night all.

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